David Bowie's Death & The Absolute Human Right to Privacy

 An updated Rant:David Bowie has died. Everyone is surely aware of this by now. It's been one of the top WORLD news stories for days. When at most it should have been in the entertainment section.  I myself shared a memory of attending a concert. However, I do not lament the fact loudly, or at all,  that I was completely unaware of his illness or his struggle with illness. Though I consider myself a fan of his work.Had David Bowie chosen to share  his plight with the world. That would have been his choice to do so. But, he did not choose to share the private details of his illness. He chose to keep his personal business to himself- And that is perfectly acceptable! I've no problem with that. In fact, I applaud the man for exercising his right to privacy.  What I can't fathom is why the main stream media does not? If the main stream media wanted to talk privacy and respect privacy the headlines below would not appear at all.This headline for example:  David Bowie’s final, stunning surprise: despite worldwide fame, a cancer battle fought in secret. The use of the word secret is inappropriate and disrespectful. In my opinion.-  It should have read "a cancer battle fought in private"Privacy is a human right- Secret implies something to hide- Mr Bowie had nothing to hide. His illness was his own private business, therefore it was not something hidden.Then there is headline after headline of 'shocked' nobodies expressing surprise because they didn't know.

Queen's Brian May Shocked By Death Of 'Fearsome Talent' And 'Inestimable Loss'

Why, did he think he should know?  Why would anyone but those persons that Mr Bowie was comfortable sharing his most personal affairs with, think they have any right what so ever to  know another persons private business. Absurdly I've seen numerous articles telling us all the reasons why someone would keep their business to themselves. Without  ever mentioning the absolute human right to privacy 

The reasons why some people hide cancer diagnosis

Political CorrectnessJob SecurityShameNot want to be identified with the disease I scour a heck of a lot of news daily and can't help but observe what I see as bizarre news coverage, that feels very much like social conditioning or perception management. Yet more bizarre news coverage- hattip  hubby: David Bowie Cremated in Secret  x 1x 2 , x 3 examples Sadly, I've yet to see  even one article that suggests David Bowie had every right to privately battle cancer if that is what he chose to do.  So, let me state the very simple plain and obvious truth as a fact!   David Bowie had every right to his own privacy & dignity in matters that affected him personally. Period.And so do you and I!