Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) 99% certain Russiagate is a “complete con-job” (Video)

Last week US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight to discuss his recent meeting with Julian Assange, and the fact that Russia played no role in the DNC hack…which Rohrabacher confirms was a leak.
Rohrbacher told Carlson that Julian Assange knows who provided the information to Wikileaks, and that the information was likely obtained by a Democrat party insider via a download…not an outside hack.
Rohrbacher said…

“He [Assange] was adamant that the Russians played no role in the disclosure of the Democratic National Committee their emails that were exposed during the election. They played no role.”
“The liberal left in this country had every reason to lie about it. The whole thing is a fraud, is a con job.”

On Wednesday night, the California Republican went on Hannity to assert his claim to Sean Hannity the he is 99% certain that the entire Russian collusion narrative is a total lie.
Don’t expect Hillary Clinton to admit any such thing, as she embarks on a 15 city book tour to whine about Russia, Comey, and misogyny.

Transcript of interview via The Gateway Pundit

Sean Hannity: Do you believe that this Trump-Russian collusion narrative will be proven false and do you believe he holds the key?
Rep. Rohrabacher: The answer is absolutely ‘yes.’ And I think this Russian narrative that your talking about, this idea that is unrelenting, sinister story about how Trump colluded with the Russians in order to steal the elections is a total con-job. It’s a fraud. And it’s masking a power grab…
Sean Hannity: So let me be clear. It is possible that the media has lied to the American people and the Democrats have lied to the American people for nearly a year. And they they’ve disrupted the flow of information and manipulated the flow of information in this country for nearly a year. What is the percentage certainty that this has all been a lie?
Rep. Rohrabacher: In terms of what I believe and after looking into this I think it’s about 99% that it’s a total lie… This is not something that Russia colluded with Trump.

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