The COVID-19 Hysteria: Here Is What The US Centre For Disease Control Says About The "Test" For The Coronavirus!

I am absolutely continuing to hammer away against this entire COVID-19 "pandemic" that still has every indication of being a massive con job and planned operation to lock down our societies.... It is so important that people stand up and show "defiance" in the face of this attack on our very freedoms and liberties, for the facts are that if we do NOT take a stand now, we face a very dark future indeed.I just had a most harrowing and tiring day where I had to begin to follow "COVID-19 rules" at my work that I have absolutely refused to until now... We as employees have been demanded that we practice the fraud of "social distancing" and to not be in contact with many other employees at all....I had emails and warnings sent my way that if I did not 'comply' by the corporation "rules" in regards to this 'pandemic' that I could risk suspension or termination...  I therefore am very reluctantly trying 'compliance' but am continuing to violate those "rules" every chance I get....I also received several other emails stating that the 'standard tests' for this 'coronavirus" was going to "soon be available" to employees as well....  But I for one do NOT trust these 'tests' at all, for I have already shown in a key former article at this blog that these "tests" are absolutely "not conclusive" and are open to pure speculation as to whether or not the person receiving this 'test' is actually "positive" in regards to having this Coronavirus...Which leads me to the following very important report that comes from Jon Rapport's blog at This one is entitled: "Here's What The CDC Says About The Test For The Coronavirus" and once again shows how fraudulent these 'tests' actually are, and how they may indeed wrongfully claim a patient has this COVID-19 'virus" when in fact they absolutely do NOT!....Here is the article for everyone to see for themselves, where I put the key paragraph of this entire article in bold larger print, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow:Here’s what the CDC says about the test for the CoronavirusStraight from the horse’s mouth—both sidesby Jon RappoportMarch 24, 2020(To join our email list, click here.)—The CDC (US Centers for Disease Control) admits the coronavirus test is flawed. That’s the overview and the takeaway— As my readers know, I’ve described why the widespread diagnostic test for the coronavirus is insufficient, misleading, useless, and deceptive.That test, used all over the world where it is available, is called the PCR.It DIAGNOSES patients. “Yes, you have the virus.” “No you don’t.”A very alert reader sent me a link to a US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) document about the test. The CDC establishes the guidelines for how the test should be done, and what the results mean.Here is a CDC paragraph about results. I suggest you read it several times.“Positive [test] results are indicative of active infection with 2019-nCoV but do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite cause of disease. Laboratories within the United States and its territories are required to report all positive results to the appropriate public health authorities.”I’m going to blow past the blatant contradiction in that CDC paragraph and cut to the chase.The key line in that paragraph is: “The agent detected [the coronavirus] may not be the definite cause of disease.”BANG.CDC: Yeah, you see, folks, ahem, the test could say the coronavirus is there in somebody’s body, but the virus may not be causing disease…On one level, the CDC is admitting the test could turn up false positives: the test could SAY a patient has the coronavirus, but he really doesn’t.This isn’t a footnote stuck at the bottom of a report. It’s right there near the top of the section about the meaning of the test.On a deeper level, the CDC is saying straight out, IF THE TEST SHOWS A CORONAVIRUS IS PRESENT, THAT DOESN’T MEAN IT’S CAUSING DISEASE.Well, yes, I’ve pointed out that the test has an inherent problem. At best, it might show that a virus is present in the patient’s body. But the test is incapable of determining HOW MUCH virus is ACTIVELY REPLICATING in the patient’s body.And why is that important? Because, to even begin to say a virus is causing actual illness in a human, there would have to be millions and millions of a virus replicating in his body—and the PCR test has never been proven, in the real world, to be able to make such a judgment call accurately.But, if you read that CDC quote again, you’ll see the CDC is ordering labs to report a positive test result to public health agencies—where it will be counted as a “coronavirus case” come hell or high water.Thank you, CDC. So very, very much. The next ship for Uranus leaves tomorrow. Pile on board and make the trip. You can run tests there to your heart’s content.This link will take you to a page with a number of links. Scroll down until you reach the link titled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel Instructions for Use.” That’s the one.NTS Notes:  Well.... I for one am NOT in the least bit shocked by what is stated in that article....And as Jon states, what we have here is a possible 'con' being done by the CDC to purposely push numbers of victims out there to a higher level just to continue to push the idea that there is indeed a "pandemic' out there...But honestly, what else would anyone expect?  The CDC needs this 'pandemic' to be out there and spreading to push the US government to send it more billions of dollars as well as to push the need for "mandatory vaccinations" which are indeed on the horizon for everyone....So, the bottom line is this... What we have here is even more evidence that these tests are FLAWED and are putting out "false positive' results on purpose.... Apparently there are a lot of 'victims' of this so called COVID-19 "pandemic" that may or may not have this 'disease' but are being falsely diagnosed as such to push the pandemic agenda!I will continue to bring forward a lot of real truths about this "pandemic" here at this blog, and I again implore readers to please take these articles and give them out to everyone you can reach.... It is so important that everyone gets out of their panic state and starts asking REAL questions about this entire scenario, for if we do not then the next stage in this fraud will be a complete lockdown of everyone and turning our nations into police states.... Freedom and liberties are definitely at stake here!More to comeNTS