Corbett Video Report- Plamegate Revisited: Who Really Leaked Valerie Plame’s Cover?

We all know the official story of Plamegate by now: the Bush administration, angry at ex-Ambassador Joe Wilson’s op-ed accusing the White House of “twisting the evidence” to lead the country into war with Iraq, leaked his wife’s identity as a CIA agent to journalist Robert Novak, who then revealed it in the Washington Post. After a lengthy investigation, “Scooter” Libby, Cheney’s Chief of Staff, was convicted for obstruction of justice and Richard Armitage took the fall for leaking the name in the first place. However, the real Plamegate affair predates the 2003 scandal by two years and leads straight to the doorstep of Marc Grossman and the American-Turkish Council mega lobby.
This is an introduction to our multi-part series on the Real Plamegate scandal at BFP EyeOpener Report. Stay Tuned for Part I coming up next week at Boiling Frogs Post.

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