CNN’s Anderson Cooper crushed by Sebastian Gorka, once again Ukraine US election meddling exposed (Video)

Another Russia fake news marathon segment between CNN and Trump staff.
Of note, Sebastian Gorka brings up Ukraine’s US election meddling with the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC, for which Cooper acknowledges collusion and meddling from Ukraine did in fact occur.
Gorka crushed CNN wth this statement…

“The story only has legs because the fake news industrial complex is obsessed. Nine months of accusations with zero, zero evidence of anything illegal.”
“On the contrary, the DNC sends its operative onto the soil of a foreign nation, to the embassy of the Ukraine. Not to collect dirt, but to actually use it in a coordinated campaign with a foreign government.”
“That’s what CNN should be covering. But why aren’t you?”

Via The Gateway Pundit

White House Deputy Assistant, Sebastian Gorka savaged CNN’s Anderson Cooper Wednesday evening in a fiery exchange over how the fake news media is hyping up the 20 minute meeting Donald Trump Jr. had with the Russian lawyer.
Anderson Cooper brought up the White House being in “bunker mentality” or “crisis” mode over Donald Jr.’s meeting with the Russian lawyer. Gorka began by saying it’s fake news and laughable.

Gorka told Anderson Cooper…

“We are pushing the Make America Great Again agenda. The president is a steam locomotive that will not be stopped. It’s just fake news. I’m sad to see CNN fall to this. I know you want salacious, sensational coverage for your ratings, so your corporate sponsors and owners will have more money. But that’s not media, that’s not reportage, it’s just fake news.”

Cooper replied, “I’m just going to ignore the insults, because I don’t think it gets us anywhere.”
Gorka responded…

“It is not about you.”
“It is about actually having journalism back on TV. Where are the Walter Cronkites of yesteryear? This is just about ratings and money, it is really quite sad.”

.@SebGorka: ‘CNN wants salacious, sensational coverage for ratings, so your corporate sponsors will have more money. That’s fake news.’
— Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) July 13, 2017

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