Clinton Campaign Deploys $1 Million in Super PAC Money to Troll Social Media Critics

What is it with the Hillary cult?
As a lifelong Democrat who will be enthusiastically voting for Bernie Sanders in next week’s Pennsylvania primary, I have trouble understanding the fuzzy rosy filter through which Hillary fans see their champion. So much must be overlooked or discounted—from Hillary’s compulsive money-lust and her brazen indifference to normal rules to her conspiratorial use of shadowy surrogates and her sociopathic shape-shifting in policy positions for momentary expedience.
Hillary’s breathtaking lack of concrete achievements or even minimal initiatives over her long public career doesn’t faze her admirers a whit. They have a religious conviction of her essential goodness and blame her blank track record on diabolical sexist obstructionists. When at last week’s debate Hillary crassly blamed President Obama for the disastrous Libyan incursion that she had pushed him into, her acolytes hardly noticed. They don’t give a damn about international affairs—all that matters is transgender bathrooms and instant access to abortion.
– From the post: Camille Paglia – “Enough with the Hillary Cult”
Earlier this week, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, spent several characteristically painful to read paragraphs whining about Bernie Sanders and his supporters. Rather than subject readers to more of his infantile gibberish than necessary, let me highlight  just one paragraph in particular:

This latest incident is part of a troubling pattern of behavior — occurring just as Bernie’s mathematical odds of winning the nomination dwindle toward zero –– in which Sanders and his team are not just debating us on issues (which we all agree is perfectly fair), but rather attacking Hillary Clinton’s character, integrity, and motivations.

Either Robby Mook is a complete imbecile, or he thinks Clinton supporters are the biggest bunch of clueless, low information voters on the planet. He claims Sanders supporters are not focused on the “issues” because they point out glaring flaws in Hillary Clinton’s character, integrity, and motivations. What makes his claim so remarkable, is that anyone paying attention knows that the American people’s lack of trust in her has been the biggest issue of the entire campaign. Moreover, of course such concerns should be seen as a legitimate key issue in any United States Presidential contest.
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