ClandesTime: Sibel Edmonds on “The Lone Gladio”

Tom Secker of SpyCulture Interviews Sibel Edmonds
Today I welcome to the show FBI whistleblower and author Sibel Edmonds of and we talk about her new book The Lone Gladio.  We discussed how the novel subverts the usual spy genre, not just through its uncompromising look at the deep state but also in its treatment of women, its portrayal of black operatives and how it responds to the question of what do we do with people like those in the Gladio network?  We also touched on the recreation of Sibel’s real life story in the CIA-sponsored TV show Homeland.

Full-segment podcast clip
*Visit these links to purchase The Lone Gladio in Kindle, paperback and Nook formats. You can also purchase a signed copy (can be shipped to anywhere in the world!) from the author at The Lone Gladio website or here