Central Florida Building and Construction Trades Council Endorses Grayson For U.S. Senate

Democratic Party political boss and throwback Chuck Schumer has no primary and no viable Republican opponent for reelection next year. So he has plenty of time to sit on the phone calling progressive donors and threatening them for backing Alan Grayson in his Democratic primary battle against Schumer's conservative puppet, New Dem/"ex"-Republican Patrick Murphy, who has just spent 3 years in Congress voting to back Boehner's and Wall Street's agenda. Almost everyone I know from the Democracy Alliance has gotten at least one slimy phone call from Schumer demanding they not back Grayson. And in a few cases, it's actually worked! One group Schumer's huffing and puffing didn't work with is the Central Florida Building and Construction Trades Council, which includes more than a dozen local trade groups and unions and represents several thousand Central Florida workers. They endorsed Grayson today.Council President Wes Kendrick said:

Working people in Florida need a bold leader like Alan Grayson, who will stand with Elizabeth Warren in the Senate and take on Wall Street. Alan is a fearless leader and fighter for all working people who has a proven track record of getting things done even when it was not easy.

Patrick Murphy's Republican father owns a huge construction company, and they expected to win the backing of the more conservative building trades unions. This endorsement has left them reeling and wondering why Schumer doesn't seem to be delivering what he's promised.Grayson, who has a 98% lifetime legislative voting record from the AFL-CIO, has earned the Council endorsement with his powerful and unambiguous stands for working families, stepping out ahead of Democratic leadership in advocating and proposing legislation to benefit workers and unions. While Patrick Murphy has been a shill for Wall Street banksters, Grayson never takes his eye off the ball for Florida's ordinary working families. He said:

I’m honored by this endorsement. Wall Street and the corporate wing of the Democratic Party are attacking me because they know my vote can't be bought and I can't be bossed around, but with the support of grassroots Democrats, Labor and others who believe in fighting for working people, I'm going to win this race.

Blue America has endorsed Grayson because of his positions and his voting record. If you'd like to help him win this race against the worst elements of the Beltway elites-- from both party establishments-- please consider making a contribution on this Blue America page. In 2012 and 2014, Grayson was the only Member of the House of Representatives who raised most of his campaign funds from small donors like us, not lobbyists or special interests.