Canadian Media Outlet Caught Lying About People Starving In Madaya, Syria!

With the good guys, the Syrian government forces, winning the war in Syria to take their country back from the criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal, the criminals that have wanted Syria destroyed and Bashar al-Assad removed from power, have become increasingly desperate in their vain attempts to convince a more skeptical world that "intervention" is required to "save" Syria... It has been so disgusting to watch the liars in the Jew spew media across this planet put out bullshit reports that Bashar al-Assad is a "butcher" against his own people, or that he has "gassed" his people as well.. Those reports have all been proven false, and yet these portrayals are continuing... Yes, the Jew spew media is indeed working on trying to brainwash people, and luckily the propaganda has so far failed...Just last week, the liars in the Jew spew media and the criminals in our own governments tried another approach in their falsehoods about the situation in Syria.... They promoted the lie that Bashar al-Assad's forces were "laying siege" to a village called Madaya, and that the villagers were in fact "starving to death" due to the "criminal actions" of the Syrian government forces.... But clear evidence has surfaced that the good guys, the government forces, were absolutely NOT starving these villagers, and if anything the brutalities on the villagers were being done by the so called "rebel" forces!   Yes, the truth has indeed been much different than what the Jew spew media has promoted...But something occurred that I found disgusting and shows again that even here in Canada, the Jew spew media has indeed been working on the Canadian public in the vain attempt to get Canada to support the lie that 'intervention' into Syria is required... And right now, I want to turn to the following report that comes from a true Canadian truth seeker, Greencrow, who of course writes "Greencrow As The Crow Flies" at This article, that I have right here for all to see for themselves is entitled: "CBC Caught Lying Again..This Time About Starving Villagers Held Seige In Syria" and is a must read by everyone, especially my fellow Canadians....I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

CBC caught lying again...This time about Starving Villagers Held Siege in Syria

Fake Photo of Starving Syrian published by CBC Without Verification

No real verification or citation of this image of the starving man was provided by the CBC or the SOHR, so we can assume then that this photo was one of many fakes which have also appeared in a number of western mainstream media outlets, and all promoting the same familiar western pro-war and pro-regime change propaganda lines.

I've written many times on this blog about the main$tream media's systematic and programmed lying to the public on behalf of the globalist, zio-fascist criminal cabal.  Mainly, I focus on the BBC ("Biggest and Best Calumny") because it seems to be the hub or source of most of the lies. Today, we have an honourable citizen in Canada writing to the CBC ombudsman because they can no longer tolerate the lies coming from the CBC "Canada's Best Calumny". Here is the letter to the CBC in full... which I sourced from David Icke's excellent website.  He found it on  Read the letter to the CBC Ombudsman...and I will have my comments to follow:

Vanessa Beeley 21st Century Wire 

The following is a letter written to the CBC ombudsman by an informed member of the public in Canada, enraged by the blatant anti-Syrian stance in the CBC reporting of the Madaya “starvation” situation. It reads as follows: 


I have counted The Current and CBC news as among the most reliable sources of news and information we have. I consider myself an informed listener and I consult with many and diverse news sources to get the fullest and clearest understanding of world affairs possible. That’s why it is disappointing, and sometimes infuriating when I hear the CBC reduced to an echo chamber and propaganda conveyance when it comes to news from the Middle East. 

The CBC’s use of unreliable and unverified sources and information that presents and thus promotes only one side of events, and a distorted one at that, is shocking to me. Is it due to cutbacks that you are unable to have investigative reporting from conflict areas that reports on all sides of an event, or is there something more sinister going on exercising editorial control over what Canadians are allowed to hear from the Middle East via our national broadcaster? 

Specifically, I was very upset to hear The Current’s Jan 8th report with Lyse Doucet on the situation in Madaya, Syria that gave a completely distorted and misinformed picture of the siege of this town (and several others that are getting zero news coverage).The presenter relied on only one source, a citizen journalist named Rami Jarrah who works for the George Soros funded ANA Press, and is a self-avowed advocate and spokesperson for the terrorist factions, disingenuously called “the opposition” by uncritical media, that has the town of Madaya and several others in the West and North of Syria under militant siege. 

It is these Islamist militants–Ahrar al Sham and al Qaeda– that seized the food aid delivered by the ICRC last October–meant to last for 2 months–and is keeping the towns people on starvation rations, stockpiling the food then trying to sell it to the towns people for obscene prices. Why isn’t that being reported on? It is the militants that are refusing to let the townspeople leave to find refuge in safe zones. It is these militants who are starving and killing them. These Islamist militants, “the opposition” as propagandists call them, are using the starving people under their control to deceive the world, including the use of now exposed deceptive pictures of starving people stolen from the internet to foment outrage–pictures that are uncritically and irresponsibly used by media outlets like the CBC as some kind of “proof” that the Assad regime is responsible for this suffering. 

While these areas of conflict are surrounded by government forces, it is the terrorists occupying the villages that are not surrendering and continue to use people as human shields ad for propaganda. Did The Current or is the CBC news desk presenting any of this balance at all to your stories on Syria? No. You are being played, and worse are a willing participant in a one-sided, anti-Syrian government, pro-Syria destruction campaign. Why Madaya? Why now? Why fake pictures? These are the questions you should be asking. The answer is because Jarrah and these “humanitarian interventionists” are using and abusing these civilians to enlist more western involvement. 

You are not listening to any of the voices coming from inside Syria because you seem to value those minority voices outside Syria that are vying for overthrow of the government and seek to grasp power for themselves in lockstep with western hegemonic agendas. Thus you are not doing your job. What you are promoting, maybe inadvertently, maybe not, is for Syria to be devastated by NATO the way Iraq and Libya were, and not for the human rights of the people of Syria. So shame on you. This is despicable and my respect for the CBC has diminished significantly. 

I urge the CBC to return to it’s roots of unbiased investigative journalism and be committed to the truth so that I can feel confidence again to tune into CBC news and trust we are getting the best information. Balance your blatantly biased sources with “the other side”– the Syrian government that is backed by the vast majority of Syrian people, and the Syrian doctors and activists that are actually working to free their country from the terrorists!! Listen to the Syrians INSIDE SYRIA! Why would you NOT do that? 


The text above originally appeared at The Wall Will Fall.

How can the factotums at the CBC call themselves journalists...or justify their tax-payer funded salaries when they print deceptive, unprofessional, propaganda like the stories about the starving Syrians? I have been reading these stories over the past week or so...and the bile has risen in my throat at the lies...but the writer of the above letter has taken it the step further and lodged a complaint...kudos to him or her.There is always a military agenda lying behind these lies. The entity that put the media up to the lies is more than likely...some "letter agency" like the CIA...that works for the neocon military/industrial complex. In this case, the military agenda is to put UN or NATO boots on the ground in "save" the Syrians. The lying perps don't give a sh!t about the Syrian villagers...they just want an excuse to get their armies head off a Russian/Assad government popularly supported victory over their proxy armies (ISIS) at all costs. They also want to get their terrorist, mercenary forces out of the area where they are currently subjected to bombardment by Russian planes. These career criminals take all humanity for such fools...a few staged photos will always do the trick.Here's a report from RT which tells the truth about what's going on in that region.  Actual journalists who went to the villages....say the lack of necessities arose from rebel traders selling off the food aid at high prices...i.e. $250 for a kilo of rice! Common sense would dictate that if the foreign terrorist rebels got out of the area...things would quickly return to normal. But common sense went out the window decades ago....NO...the neocon want MORE foreign troops in the, permanently. So they can wreak the same chaos and terror that is now going on in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan. I long ago gave up on the CBC as a source of objective journalism.  I only go to it to inform myself about what the lies du jour are.  Same as the BBC.  I don't even go on the CNN/ABC/NBC/NYT/FAUX websites at all chock-a-block full of filthy lies and soft porn drivel are they. They're the intellectual equivalent of swill for pigs.

CBC....Get the CIA/CSIS moles out of your operation and quit yer lyin!

Posted by greencrow at 10:23 AMNTS Notes: When I saw the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's "report" on the "situation" in Madaya, I could not believe what I was seeing.. It was such a disgusting piece of pure propaganda bullshit, and I was surprised that the liars at the CBC had the nerve to try to throw this at the gullible Canadian people with the hope the general public would fall for it...Luckily few have, and I have noticed over the last few days as the "reports of starvation" in Madaya have suddenly disappeared from the majority of the Jew spew media outlets....Greencrow is just as disgusted as I am... We cannot believe, as Canadians, that the CBC had the nerve to try to promote this lie.. And all it shows is that the government in Canada and the Jew spew media here as well are also working with the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal in trying to have Syria destroyed... Yes, the propaganda war on people's minds never ends, and it does amaze me how people constantly fall for this crap.... But again, the liars in the Jew spew media are in league with the criminal Jewish elite that runs our governments in trying to not only vilify Bashar al-Assad in Syria, but also to still convince the entire world that the fraud of "ISIS" is a "threat"... And of course that the "war on terror" is somehow real as well!Yes, luckily this "Madaya starvation" story is quickly falling to pieces for the criminals that want Syria destroyed... But again with the good guys winning the war to free Syria, they are becoming increasingly desperate, and I can guarantee there will be more false reports coming to try to brainwash people... Be aware everyone, for they are coming!More to comeNTS