Canadian "Freedom Of Speech": Monika Schaefer Speaks About Her Fight For Freedom Of Speech And Thought In Canada

As a Canadian, I have to "tread lightly" in regards to certain "taboo" topics at this blog..... One of those "taboo" topics that I constantly get asked to give my personal opinion, but am muzzled because of the horrendous and most draconian "Hate Crime" laws that most Canuckleheads are unaware are violations of free speech, is of course the Jewish "Holocaust" of World War II....I have already shown clear evidence about how our entire history is nothing but a multitude of lies and falsehoods... It is a fact that the sinister Jewish criminals that wants world dominion for their greedy selfish selves have been purposely hijacking our history and having our so called "history books" filled with their incessant lies... This has been done to distort our history as a means of covering up THEIR horrific crimes against humanity that they have done for thousands of years!Yes, the facts are that all Canadians are in fact NOT living in a "free country" as many are falsely led to believe... Thanks to the Jewish criminals in charge forcing the Pierre Eliot Trudeau government in 1974 to pass "Hate Crime" laws, any research or even questioning of the Jewish "Holocaust" of World War II can be met by severe jail time!   Many Canadians that I have talked to are oblivious to the passage of those "Hate Crime" laws and when I tell them of its implications, they are shocked and dismayed... Yes, we as Canadians have long been played the fools by these Jewish criminals as they have put "laws" into place without even telling the Canadian public!One brave Canadian individual that has come forward and has "questioned" the facts of the "Holocaust" is of course Monika Schaefer, who has for decades been a "busker" and an entertainer living in Jasper, Alberta, Canada... Recently Monika came out with a fabulous video (See it here on Youtube) where she openly questioned the validity of the "Holocaust".... For that simple action of "questioning" the validity of that (non-researchable) part of our so called "History", Monika has received threats, "condemnation", and has even been denied a renewal of her "busker" license in Jasper itself.....There has even been some rumblings that the Canadian (Jew run) RCMP thought police are considering having her arrested and charged with the falsehood of "denying the Holocaust"......Right now, I want to present the following important video, where Monika Schaefer talks before the C.A.F.E. group (Canadian Association for Free Expression) in Toronto discussing her horrendous treatment that she has endured for the simple action of "questioning" our history... Here is that video for everyone to see for themselves, and I do have my usual thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  Here are my thoughts in a nutshell... "Truth never needs LAWS to support itself or for validation, only LIES do!" I have always had a difficult time with the supposed Jewish "Holocaust" of the second World War, simply because the numbers and the facts that have been revealed since that war do NOT add up.....Take for example the Jewish insistence that their stupid religious Kabalistic number of "6 Million" is valid for the number of their tribe members that were "killed" by "homicidal gas chambers" in some "death camps" run by the Germans.... The one glaring error that has now come forward is the original "4.3 Million" number that "died" at Auschwitz alone... Recently, that "4.3 Million" has been severely downgraded by both the Polish authorities and actual investigations as to exactly how many "died" at that camp... The OFFICIAL number is now well below the "1 Million" mark, and some estimates, and facts provided by the International Red Cross that constantly went to that camp, are very much well below "100,000".... But in spite of this fact, the "6 Million" total number is still out there, unchanged, and is being ingrained into our younger generations today!Then we have Auschwitz itself... The facts are crystal clear now that Auschwitz was a work camp where the laborers worked in adjoining factories for the German war effort.... It is hard to think of murdering people when it would be better to put them to work, right? And Auschwitz had at least two soccer fields and other fields of play, 2 swimming pools, a full hospital with even a maternity ward, a full canteen, a movie theater, etc, etc, for the prisoners' own benefits... If it was a "death camp" then WHY were the prisoners given such luxuries?  It simply does not make sense...Again, as a Canadian, I cannot come flat out and call the "Holocaust" a hoax and one of the worse swindles in all of our history... But given the fact that research is classified as taboo and can lead to jail time in so many nations, people should be asking themselves the simple question as to WHY?  And what exactly is the tribe afraid of if proper investigations are conducted?  Is there something that they do not want us to see?Yes, Monika Schaefer has come out and is willing to stand up for principles and truth... Hopefully she has opened the eyes of other Canadians that too have had their doubts and suspicions about that part of our "history" that has been rammed into our brains for decades.... True discussion and proper research is indeed needed and should not be muzzled by insane "hate crime" laws...More to comeNTS