Canada takes over military leadership of military OSCE mission- Poland

Military is being stressed for the simple fact the NATO media lied about what the OSCE observers were really about... And the real reason why eastern Ukrainians (anti-coup) did not want them in their neck of the woods.

 Canada is stepping into the increasingly tense showdown between Kyiv and Moscow over the future of eastern Ukraine by taking over leadership of an Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s military observer mission in the central European country.Three Canadians from the Directorate of Arms Control Verification are to lead a nine-member team, Defense Minister Rob Nicholson said in a statement released Wednesday. It is the first time that Canada has led such a mission. Its job will be to monitor the deteriorating security situation across Ukraine until May 11.Such observer duty does not come without hazards in the current situation. Seven members of another OSCE team were kidnapped and have been held hostage since last week by pro-Russian militias in the town of Slovyansk. “This mission constitutes a strong show of support to Ukraine and is a concrete demonstration of Canada’s commitment to the security, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Ukraine,” Nicholson said in a statement.

Canada’s commitment to security, sovereignty and territorial integrity???I laugh.

Canada’s participation “as lead inspectors constitute a concrete contribution to mitigating the crisis using existing arms control mechanisms There were now at least 14 cities and towns in the coal and steel-producing Donbass region where separatists (anti-coup protestors) sympathetic to Moscow who call themselves part of the People’s Republic of Donetsk now appear to control the political destiny of several million Ukrainians.In each case, Ukrainian police provided little resistance. In a few cases they joined those attacking the buildings they were supposed to be defending.

Like I said- Anti-coup resistance!

 Six CF-18 fighters jets as well as about 250 associated support crew members left Tuesday for Romania, where the aircraft will patrol with allies in a show of strength intended to reassure Poland and the Baltic States

 Back to Poland! Today - Poland to be regional leader in NATO: defense ministerRelinking-  Poland: The largest & most important state on the NATO frontline And- US Paratroopers go to Poland/Polish Defence Minister goes to Washington