Canada shake up. Trudeau out, Freeland in? O’Toole to lead Conservatives (Video)

Via CBC (…
Erin O’Toole has won the leadership for the Conservative Party, promising to present a vision to make Canada more prosperous and reaching out to broaden the party’s base of supporters.
After a six-hour delay due to glitches with the ballots, O’Toole took 57 per cent of the votes on the third and final ballot, compared to 43 per cent for second-place contender Peter MacKay.
O’Toole claimed victory after taking support from Leslyn Lewis, who finished with a surprisingly strong performance but dropped off on the second ballot. Derek Sloan dropped off after the first ballot.
In his acceptance speech, O’Toole promised to work to unite the party, champion Conservative values, and hold Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to account.
“We must continue to point out Liberal failings and corruption, but we must also show Canadians our vision for a stronger, more prosperous and more united Canada,” he said.
“Canada can and must do better and Conservatives will work hard to earn the trust and confidence of Canadians in the next election.”

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Canada Shake Up. Trudeau Out, Freeland In? O’Toole To Lead Conservatives

published on Canada shake up. Trudeau out, Freeland in? O’Toole to lead Conservatives. The Duran Quick Take: Episode 645. Via CBC (…)… Erin O’Toole has won the leadership for the Conservative Party, promising to present a vision to make Canada more prosperous and reaching out to broaden the party’s base of supporters.
