Can You Imagine A More Perfect Series Of Role-Players Than Biden/Buttigieg/Harris/Booker/Warren/Patrick/Bloomberg?

Last two standing?-by emorejahongkongCan you imagine a more perfect role-player...• than Biden to suck up early attention, from media and donors, needed by semi-fresh mid-career vanilla centrist candidates?• than Buttigieg to look good compared with Biden’s ever-slower brain and looser mouth?• than Harris to highlight the weaknesses of un-vetted identity-centered candidates (campaign epitaph: “lost beyond the script”)?• than Booker to highlight that on-stage energy can’t cover up cowardice (visible in Booker’s apologetic/frightened face and body language each time he gently criticised Biden)?• than Warren to talk up Bernie’s platform to the Managerial-Professional Class (who would refuse to hear Bernie due to their grudge against him for the failures of Hillary and her backers in 2016 -- and 2008, 2009, 2003, 2000, etc.)• than Patrick to destroy Warren’s electability (as Ex-Governor poaching Warren's Massachusetts home-state and New Hampshire-overlapping media market)?• than Bloomberg to poach votes from Biden and Buttigieg by spending a fraction of his 50+ billion dollars to promote himself as “self-made 3-term Mayor who led NYC-Tri-State Metro Area’s bounce-back from 9/11” in contrast with:

· “Baby-faced baby Ivy Leaguer overwhelmed by racial politics of college town’s tiny electorate,” and· “Lifelong Senate grinner/gripper whose biggest ever leadership role was point-man for policy towards corrupt Ukraine, which, like China, over-paid his too-big-to-jail son.”

• than impeachment hearings highlighting:

· the Ukraine corruption of both Trump and Biden, and· the Military Industrial Intelligence Complex’s unapologetic defence of its right to decide foreign policy?

• than Bloomberg, as the likely last-standing major non-Bernie in Democratic primaries, to:

· nullify arguments that Bernie is too "old, "male," "White," "Jewish," "Northeastern," or "insensitive to identities" and· personify billionaires’ excessive influence over politics and media?

An Alternative Version: How Could This Star’s Series Of Role-Players Be Any More Perfect??For Bernie Sanders to be appreciated by the U.S.A. electorate, which was raised on scripted narratives, and to lead his team to victory, how could any role-player be more perfect...• than Biden to suck up early attention, from media and donors, needed by semi-fresh mid-career vanilla centrist candidates?• than Buttigieg to look good compared with Biden’s ever-slower brain and looser mouth?• than Harris to highlight the weaknesses ("beyond the initial script") of un-vetted identity-centered candidates?• than Booker to highlight that on-stage energy can’t cover up cowardice (visible again in Booker’s nervous face and body language each time he criticised Biden)?• than Warren (and Steyer) to talk up Bernie’s platform to a Managerial-Professional Class (who would refuse to hear the same from Bernie)• than Patrick to block Warren’s primary path (as Ex-Governor poaching voters in her Massachusetts home-state and New Hampshire-overlapping media market)?• than Bloomberg to split "moderate" voters from Biden and Buttigieg by spending a fraction of his 50+ billion dollars to promote himself as "self-made 3-term Mayor who led NYC-Tri-State Metro Area’s bounce-back from 9/11" in contrast with:

• "Baby-faced baby Ivy Leaguer overwhelmed by racial politics of college town’s tiny electorate," and• "Lifelong Senate grinner/gripper whose biggest ever leadership role was point-man for policy towards corrupt Ukraine, which, like China, over-paid his too-big-to-jail son."

• than impeachment hearings highlighting:

• the Ukraine corruption of both Trump and (as Obama’s Vice President) Biden, and• the 'coming out' of Military Industrial Intelligence Complex’s view of its rightful power to decide foreign policy?

• Bloomberg, as the likely last major non-Bernie in Democratic primaries, to:

• nullify arguments that Bernie is too "old," "male,""White," "Jewish," "Northeastern," or "insensitive to identities,"• personify billionaires’ excessive influence of politics and media, and• if losing primaries, then have harder path to an independent candidacy in the general election.

• Bernie-supporters, further energized as they realize that all of the following have become more and more true:

• not only is Bernie2020 the "last best chance" to avoid or mitigate economic, political and climate Armageddon, but• also Bernie2020 has a "real chance"• and all eligible voters, volunteers and small-donors, who realize that their lives depend on it, can have an impact as role-players on a winning team.