Calling Bullshit On Latest Canadian "Terrorist" Attack: Everything About This "Aaron Driver" Incident Stinks Of A Set Up!

I have been looking over all the reports coming forward from the Canadian Jew spew media these last few days concerning the newest and absolutely phoney "terrorist attack" that has just taken place in Canada... And I am calling complete and utter bullshit on this one just like every other "terrorist attack" before it... Sadly, however, a young 22 year old man, named Aaron Driver, has been killed as the "patsy" for this operation....Lets first make it  perfectly clear here for even the most gullible to understand.... 'ISIS' or the "Islamic State", or "ISIL" or even "Daesh" are bullshit... These so called "terrorist" groups are pure propaganda and are entirely made up of bought and paid for US CIA and Israeli Mossad operatives and mercenaries... Their job is simple: To try to use as much "booga booga" possible to try to scare the crap out of gullible and stupid people... Heck, even their videos including their laughable "beheading" videos are scripted and have been produced by US and Israeli companies, and then sold to the public as 'authentic' for nothing more than pure propaganda as well..... Even the name "ISIS" itself was exposed a while ago as standing for the "Israeli Secret Intelligence Service".... Honestly for anyone to actually think that "ISIS" is this big and bad "terrorist group" shows the power of the media and indeed the gullibility of people....But first to explain what exactly supposedly just happened in Canada with this "terrorist" attack, I want to present what the Jew spew media has to say about this bullshit event... Here is a report from CBC News online, at, that gives some "details" about this event in southern Ontario while giving the gullible Canadian people the impression that this young man was "planning an imminent attack", but "luckily" was stopped by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).... Here is the link to that report for everyone to see and get up to speed on what the liars in the media are saying about this charade for themselves: Notes:  OK, lets start tearing this "attack" apart here, and I first have the following list of things that I find peculiar about this incident, and point to this being a set up!(1) This young man had been placed on Canada's "terror watch" list since late last year when supposedly the RCMP and Winnipeg Police Services found evidence of him joining up with the fraud "ISIS" through Aaron Driver's own computer and material found in his Winnipeg home.. He was placed under "house arrest" and his activities were supposedly closely monitored... So will someone please explain to me HOW he was able to leave his home in Charleswood, Winnipeg, and get to that small town in southern Ontario, without the Police or the RCMP alerted?(2) How did Aaron Driver get from Winnipeg Manitoba to Strathroy, Ontario?  The city of Winnipeg Manitoba and the town of Strathroy Ontario are some 1200 miles apart as the crow flies, so how did he get there from Winnipeg?  If he drove, then again WHY was the RCMP and the Winnipeg Police that were watching him 'closely' not alerted to his departure from Winnipeg?  And who financed his trip and where did he stay in his travels?  Who paid for his food and his gas expenses to get to southern Ontario if he drove?  And obviously he could not fly being on the Canadian watch list, so the only way he could have gotten to Strathroy Ontario was indeed by automobile.... I hope that people see my point here in that he was most probably whisked by his "handlers" to prepare for his show in southern Ontario!(3) Honestly, WHY a small town like "Strathroy" Ontario for this fraud episode?  Why not a bigger centre like nearby Toronto, Hamilton, or even Ottawa in Ontario for this charade?  It does not make sense for a "big bad terrorist" in Canada to be setting up a terrorist plot in a little shit hole  like Strathroy when a REAL terrorist that wanted to get maximum effect would have been plotting his bombing for Toronto!  This was one of the first things that had me raise a red flag on this entire episode...(4) WHERE did Aaron get his "bomb making" material?  His being on the RCMP "terrorist" watch list would have meant that his motions and actions would have been under scrutiny, and his ability to obtain the material to make his explosives would have been closely watched.... And yes, there are those who would say that he could have obtained the knowledge to make explosives via the internet, to which I must point out how his internet activities were being watched and curtailed... Therefore the moment he would have surfed to find the knowledge to make explosives, the RCMP would have been alerted... Therefore the obvious conclusion is that the bombs were indeed supplied to him by his handlers...These are only 4 key points that I can see so far... But they are bad enough that anyone with even 1/2 a brain can see that this "terrorist" attack stinks to high heaven and smells of a set up....I am glad to see that at least one other truth seeker in Canada has also not been fooled by this charade... Greencrow at, has also released a report that covers this fraud, and I have the link to her report here for everyone to see: has called this Aaron Driver the "goofball patsy de jour" and I could not agree more...She also has the theory that every police force in Canada has been infiltrated by foreign and even CSIS agents bent on destroying Canada's sovereignty, and that these moles are recruiting and "radicalizing" young impressionable men and women for the creation of "black ops" mercenary armies... I find this idea intriguing and there may be some credibility to this theory.....Lets face reality here...Here we have a young impressionable 22 year old man who was groomed by the RCMP and CSIS to be brainwashed and "radicalized" into joining the fraud "ISIS" group.... Once he was at that level of brainwashing, Aaron Driver was very much put out there first as this "terrorist suspect" in Winnipeg to get his name out there for the Canadian gullible people to take note, and was obviously fingered for bigger and better things down the road to be used as a patsy for an upcoming operation... And yes, the criminals in CSIS and the RCMP obviously decided that the time was now to have a new and very phoney "terrorist" attack in Canada and to have Aaron Driver be their victim for this latest ridiculous operation.... It is so sad that this 22 year old man also was set up to die in this fraud operation.....Yes, there is so much more to tell about this latest scam in Canada... I see this as a set up and this gullible and yet innocent young man died as part of the plan..... Now the Canadian government under the Trudeau regime has its 'excuses' to not remove that criminal bill C51 from the books and to keep Canada under "terror alert"..... And of course the majority of Canadian people will be stupid enough to believe this bullshit like every other fraud 'terrorist' attack before it....More to comeNTS