California Cops Release Video of Alfred Olango Shooting Death

Three days after shooting and killing an unarmed man holding a vape smoking device, El Cajon police released videos of the shooting from a camera they had seized from a witness as well as from a surveillance camera.
Prior to releasing the video, El Cajon police advised local businesses to shut down, indicating that they were anticipating riots.
Alfred Olango, 38, was holding a smoking vape device, which one of the cops confused for a gun, making him fear for his life.
The cop who killed him is Richard Gonsalves, who has been sued twice for sexual harassment, including sending photos of his genitals to female co-workers.
The latest lawsuit argues that he should have been fired, which is what normally would happen in other jobs, but not in policing, who tend to protect their own.
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Here is the video. We will be updating this story as it develops.

The post California Cops Release Video of Alfred Olango Shooting Death appeared first on PINAC News.
