California’s Cancer-Label on Monsanto’s Roundup to ‘Come Within 30 Days’

In the ongoing battle of David vs Goliath, or humankind vs. Big Biotech, Big Ag and Big Pharma, Prop 65 has come to the fore in California. California will likely require that Monsanto has a label on most Roundup bottles declaring that they contain carcinogenic ingredients. The agency’s notice of intent aims to add these chemicals within 30 days to the approximately 800 chemicals that are known to cause cancer.
An announcement has surfaced from the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA) which states they will begin labeling Monsanto’s herbicide ingredient, glyphosate as a “probable carcinogenic,” just like the World Health Organization’s IARC recently did – stepping up efforts to protect health and wildlife in the agriculture-heavy state even as use of weed-killers that include such toxins hits an all-time high.
Prop 65 which has been around since the 1980’s already requires any chemical manufacturers that sell ingredients which are known to cause birth defects or cancer to list them as such.
Read: Scientists Warned for Years that Monsanto’s Roundup Causes Cancer
Dr. Nathan Donley, staff scientist with the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) said:

“California’s taking an important step toward protecting people and wildlife from this toxic pesticide. More than 250 million pounds of glyphosate are used each year in the United States, and the science is clear that it’s a threat to public health and countless wildlife species. It’s long past time to start reining in the out-of-control use of glyphosate in the United States.”

This is an enormous step in the right direction for those of us who want to see the end of Monsanto’s food control and put a stop to its chemical warfare on the world. Now, if we can just hold the company accountable for the people it has already poisoned.
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Photo credit:  Mike Mozart/flickr/cc