Britain Down The Drain — Paul Craig Roberts

Britain Down The Drain
Paul Craig Roberts
Did you know that Great Britain is going down the drain because the citizens want to remain British?
Did you know that the British are inherently racist, jingoistic, bigots, and obnoxious because they don’t want to become Pakistanis, Syrians, Africans or some multicultural combination?
Did you know that the British people voted to leave the European Union not because they oppose their loss of sovereignty to a foreign and unelected power in Brussels, but because of their hatred and contempt of foreigners, especially the dark-skinned ones that the EU forces them to accept in unlimited numbers?
If you don’t know this, you are not stupid like Brian Cloughley, who lays it out for you in the website Here is the URL for Cloughley’s imbecillic article:
While Cloughley calls the white British racists, last May these racists elected a Muslim, Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London. Can you imagine the Mayor of London, England, is a Muslim named Sadiq Khan? Either the British are not racists or the Pakistanis outnumber Englishmen in London, which might before long be renamed New Islamabad.
Cloughley calls the British people every name in the book and then upbraids them for “the racial abuse” of using words such as “Pakis” and “niggers.”
Cloughley, obviously a self-hating Britisher, reports that Brexit (the British people’s vote to restore their sovereignty by departing the EU) has caused hate crimes to rise by 41 percent. Why would departing the EU cause a rise in hate crimes?
Perhaps the answer is related to the fact that the use of traditional British words, such as “wog,” has been criminalized. “Wog” is a British word that according to the English Oxford Dictionaries means simply “a person who is not white.” Despite this innocent meaning, for a white Britisher to use this word as a description of a not white person or group can result in hate crime charges. What is most peculiar about politically correct speech is that political correctness itself marginalizes non-white people by eliminating the use of words that mean non-white. Political correctness has made it so shameful to be non-white that ordinary words such as negro and wog that mean a non-white person have been turned into slurs. How can non-whites have racial pride when words that mean non-white cannot even be used?
As Cloughley’s screed against the British people develops, we see that it is a brief against leaving the EU. As the EU was an OSS (original name of the CIA) initiative, Cloughley, knowingly or unknowingly, is serving as a CIA asset.
Cloughley is at perfect ease calling his fellow British every hateful name, seemingly impervious to the fact that if he were not calling white people names he would be committing hate crimes.
In addition to their loss of sovereignty to an unelected EU commission sitting in a foreign country, what the British people are objecting to is that they have been made second class citizens in their own country. White people in Great Britain have to be very careful about what words they use to describe illegal and legal aliens or they can be charged with “hate crimes” for employing vocabulary formerly used by prime ministers themselves.
Yes, Britain is going down the drain. But not because it is trying to rescue itself at this late date from loss of sovereignty and multicultural hell. Britain is going to hell because, judging by the closeness of the Brexit vote, almost half of the British population have been so brainwashed that they are ashamed to be British.
NOTE: I have been reminded from England that WOG stands for Worthy Oriental Gentlemen, a term imposed by British officers on uncouth troops to stop them from using racist names for colonized peoples.
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