Breedlove In Tbilisi: NATO Prepares Georgia For Integration, New Wars

Ministry of Defence of Georgia
October 22, 2014
Irakli Alasania and General Philip Breedlove Briefed Media Representatives

General Philip Breedlove NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe and Commander of U.S. European Command and Minister of Defence of Georgia Irakli Alasania made remarks for the representatives of media after the meeting at the Georgian Defence Ministry.
Minister of Defence of Georgia Irakli Alasania summarized the results of the meeting and elaborated on the future plans of cooperation with the Alliance: “It is a great honor for us to host the NATO Supreme Allied Commander in Georgia who has brought the key message for the Georgian people – NATO stands by our side and will assist Georgia to strengthen our defence capabilities. The alliance stands ready to assist Georgia on its path towards NATO integration. At the meeting with General Breedlove and members of his delegation, together with General Kapanadze we discussed the details of NATO-Georgia “Substantial Package” Georgia had received at the Wales Summit. We talked about the importance of establishment of the joint training and evaluation center. We also outlined how to plan regular exercises in Georgia in cooperation with NATO. Our talks also referred to the regional threats, especially after the aggressive hostilities of the Russian Federation in the Ukraine. We analyzed the ongoing processed in Iraq and Syria. We also discussed how NATO and Georgia are going to fight those threats with joint efforts. We agreed that Georgia will continue to contribute to the security mission in Afghanistan along with NATO in 2015. Georgia will have one of the largest contingent and our NATO partners are very grateful for our cooperation. I would like to thank General for the visit once again and NATO for showing the great support for Georgia as a reliable partner.”
In his remarks General Breedlove also thanked Georgia for its contribution to international security…
“As Georgians know better the most it is the most difficult times in Europe as Russia has again moved in to a sovereign nation illegally, annexed the part of it and used the military force to impose its will and support the political objectives. NATO is keenly aware of this persistent threat in its taking actions now to ensure that NATO nations can respond rapidly to these sorts of threats in the future.
“In the coming weeks our Foreign Ministers will meet in Brussels and will further discuss the issue as will the NATO Defence Ministers shortly after to define a final form of what we are now coming to know as the Rapid Response Force. Until that time 28 of our nations are contributing to those assurance measures that we apply across NATO’s nations. And we remain firmly committed to our collective defence responsibilities that remain fully invested in our partner nations as well.
“The partnership that Georgia has made with NATO remains rock solid. As you are keenly aware at the NATO Summit in Wales we agreed on a substantial package and measures that will help Georgia advance in its preparation towards membership in NATO.
“Key initiatives include the establishment of defence capacity building mission in Georgia with the particular focus on the Ministry of Defence and assistance to Georgia continue to reform a modernization of its defence and security sector. We will also increase our efforts to improve the ability of the Georgian Armed Forces to work together and operate together with NATO forces including through more participation in NATO exercises and military exercises here in Georgia.
“Today’s security threats are global and the best response is the global response. No one country and no one alliance can tackle them alone, but if we work together we can. Partnerships are and will continue to be essential to the way NATO works. Partners have served together with us in Afghanistan, Kosovo and other operations sacrificing alongside the Alliance troops and working with us in combating terrorism and piracy. And as the commander of the operational part of NATO I think it is appropriate to thank you Minister, to thank Georgia and Georgian troops for their sacrifice alongside NATO in our fight in Afghanistan. As combat operations in Afghanistan we will ensure that the bonds forge between allied and partner nations. Armed forces remain as strong as ever. We have fought together now we will focus on preparing and training together. Thank you again for having us, Minister.”
