BREAKING: Trump says he’d be ‘honoured’ to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un

Donald Trump has given an exclusive interview to Bloomberg News in which he stated he’d be willing to hold a face to face meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un. Unlike his father, the current Kim has not met with the Presidents of his two non-hostile neighbouring states, Russia and China.
When Trump was asked about a potential meeting he said,

“If it would be appropriate for me to meet with him, I would absolutely, I would be honoured to do it”.

Trump continued,

“Most political people would never say that….but I’m telling you under the right circumstances I would meet with him. We have breaking news”.

When asked about what circumstances would be a necessary preamble to such a meeting, he replied,

“…we’ve got to see their provocative behaviour ratcheted down”.

If some kind of Trump/Kim summit were to take place and China is the only reasonable location to hold such a meeting, it would indeed be historic.
READ MORE: The US should accept China’s proposal and talk to North Korea. Here’s why
Has Donald Trump’s recent militaristic rhetoric and manoeuvring really just been a prelude to ‘extreme diplomacy’ or were his remarks in today’s interview just a frivolous off the cuff remark?
Like with all things Trump, only time will tell.
The post BREAKING: Trump says he’d be ‘honoured’ to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un appeared first on The Duran.
