BREAKING: Trump fires chief strategist Steve Bannon

Bannon formally joined Trump’s team a year ago, helping propel Trump through to the White House as the chief executive of the campaign.
After Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, Bannon was appointed to a senior advisor role under President Trump.
Earlier this week, he gave a candid interview to a liberal magazine where he blasted some of his adversaries inside the White House.

Fox News added:

“Bannon has long been a target of mainstream Republican ire – and until now had survived even as top Trump lieutenants like Sean Spicer and Priebus have resigned.
Trump briefly addressed the speculation about Bannon’s future during a wide-ranging Q&A with reporters at Trump Tower on Tuesday afternoon.
“I like Mr. Bannon, he’s a friend of mine,” Trump said, while downplaying his impact in the 2016 campaign. “I like him. He’s a good man. He’s not a racist … but we’ll see what happens with Mr. Bannon.”

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