Breaking News: France is bombing Syria! Updated!

 France is striking Raqqa, Syria. The alleged ISIS strongholdRT

France has carried out a massive airstrike on an Islamic State stronghold in Raqqa, Syria. It struck dozen’s of targets including a command and control center, training camp and munitions warehouse, the country’s defense ministry announced. Ten French fighter jets took part in the country’s biggest air raid in Syria, the statement from the defense ministry read.

#Syrie : bombardement massif français sur le fief de l'EI à Raqqa (Défense française)— Agence France-Presse (@afpfr) November 15, 2015

The strike, coordinated with the United States, was carried out simultaneously from Jordan and the United Arab Emirates, according to Reuters.

As more news becomes available I will post it-Many world leaders are in Turkey for the G20 presently- Including the 'rock star', as if, Trudeau. (rolls eyes)  France announces Raqqa airstrikes on ISISNBCAll the news is pretty much the same- limited details same as the RT report.

US delivers more ammunition to fighters from Syrian Arab Coalition (Kurds)

The so called 'syrian arab coalition' is run by YPG/PKK- I've covered this previously in several posts. The first delivery was supposed to be about 120 tons going to the NATO backed Kurdish militias

  The United States has carried out a fresh delivery of ammunition to fighters from the Syrian Arab Coalition battling Islamic State in northern Syria, pushing ahead with a strategy that initially unnerved ally Turkey, a U.S. official told Reuters on Sunday.The delivery of ammunition represented only the second time the United States has moved to arm the Syrian Arab Coalition, a collection of about 10-12 groups numbering about 5,000 fighters. They are working with Kurds and others to claw back land from Islamic State.

In a shift in approach, the latest U.S. resupply operation was completed on Saturday by delivering the weaponry by land, the U.S. official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

First large delivery to the Kurdish affiliates was via airdrops

It was not immediately clear who transported the ammunition into Syria, but the official said American troops did not drive them into the country.

Further details on the operation were not immediately available.

 If I had to guess how these weapons were delivered, it wouldn't be to difficult.  I would just figure the weapons were delivered into Syria via that crucial supply route successfully created, just a few days ago, through Sinjar- Just like I said on Thursday. Sinjar was about creating a crucial supply route-

Sinjar: Creating a Crucial Supply Route for KurdIShIS & Annexing Iraqi Territory

Update France bombing of Syria-Syrian activists claim 'stadium, museum and medical clinics' hit after France launched air strikes on ISIS

Anti-ISIS activists in Syria claim a stadium, a museum, medical clinics and a political building have been hit after France launched airstrikes in retaliation for the Paris terror attack.Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently, a group of anonymous activists inside the ISIS stronghold, wrote that heavy strikes had been taking place since this morning.The group began documented the airstrikes at around 8am and said it had increased to "30 airstrikes" this evening.No civilian casualties have been reported yet, according to the group.
1-#Raqqa some of the places that the Airstrikes targeted 1-Stadium 2-Foresa area 3-Museum 4-Clinics Hospital 5-Political building #Syria— الرقة تذبح بصمت (@Raqqa_SL) November 15, 2015

#Raqqa it seems that #France who bomb #Raqqa #ISIL— الرقة تذبح بصمت (@Raqqa_SL) November 15, 2015

Update # 2: French Foreign Minister: Decision on Syria Airstrikes Was Made Saturday

 Turkey--France’s decision to attack Islamic State’s stronghold in Syria was made Saturday, a day after coordinated terrorist attacks killed more than 100 people in Paris, Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said.

“France has always said that because she has been threatened and attacked by Daesh, it would be normal that she would react in the framework of self-defense. That’s what we did today with the strikes on Raqqa,” Mr. Fabius told journalists Sunday following the first day of a summit of the Group of 20 leading industrialized and developing nations.