Brazil says may go to UN over NSA espionage

Press TV – August 15, 2013

Brazil says it may go to the UN over a controversial US spying program on Brazilian citizens, rejecting Washington’s claims that the operation was purely aimed at fighting terrorism.
Addressing a congressional panel on Wednesday, Brazilian Communications Minister Paulo Bernardo said Brasilia was not satisfied with the explanations presented by US Secretary of State John Kerry during his Tuesday visit.
“Consequently, we will bring the case to international organizations, probably the United Nations,” he added.
Kerry’s visit was aimed at easing diplomatic tensions with the Latin American country.
Washington has defended the espionage program as a lawful measure aimed at countering terrorist attacks across the world.
However, Bernardo stressed that the operation also “involved industrial, trade and diplomatic espionage.”
Based on documents leaked by former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, Washington has tapped Brazilians’ telephone conversations and emails.
They also indicate that Washington maintains an intelligence base in Brasilia, part of a network of 16 such stations operated by the US National Security Agency (NSA) around the world to intercept foreign satellite transmissions.
