Boston Marathon False Flag Attack: More Proof - Important Videos Expose How Entire Operation Was Preplanned, And Staged

First things first.. I want to let everyone know that I have been very sick all week long with flu like symptoms.  It got so bad that yesterday I went to go and see a doctor, and try to find answers... I was told there is a very bad "bug" going around and that it would be best if I take it easy the next few days (I had already done that for about a week!), get lots of rest, drink the usual fluids, take Vitamin C, etc, etc....I am a fighter, and after sleeping most of yesterday and today, I decided that since I was feeling a bit better, that I would get back on line and catch up on what I have been missing... And definitely there has been a lot!  Please bare with me as I try to get back up to speed on what has been going on in our sick world....I came across the following two videos yesterday, thanks primarily to the diligent work of one, Jim Stone, who writes the very important blog/forum at, that literally blows the doors off of the entire Boston Marathon bombing charade and shows the clear evidence that it was a  pre-planned operation..... Many have already seen these videos at other sites, but for those who have not, I have them right here to you to view.... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:Video 1: Smoking Gun Fact Boston Bombing Was Staged, FEMA Document.... Video 2:New Evidence That Boston Bombings Was Staged, Please Watch... NTS Notes:   From the get go of this Boston Marathon "bombing", I smelled a rat.... Immediately I called it a preplanned and staged operation for the sole purpose of scaring the crap out of the American people.   I have not been swayed away from that stance, and these videos only enhance my own and others' conclusions..I will state it again... This operation was conducted for the absolute purpose of using the psychology of fear to instill PANIC in the American psyche.   The false fear of "Terrorism" has been used many times already in the past to instill enough panic in people, that out of pure fear they will accept anything just to make that fear and panic go away....These monsters in both the US, Israel, and now my own country of Canada, have done their homework very well, and now know how to push the buttons of their own citizens to get them to surrender their rights and freedoms.   Tyranny is their goal and using the fraud of "terrorism" is one of their weapons in achieving that goal!It is good to be back after a few days' absence, and I had really hoped that more and more people would have finally seen the Boston Marathon "bombing" for what it is... But it does seem to be an uphill battle, because the criminals in our own media and governments want to keep the sheeple in the state of fear and panic for as long as possible..... It is again time to spread the message of truth to these people to get them out of panic and into a state of anger against the real criminals!More to comeNTS