Blue America Is Taking A Brief Time Out

If you ever donate to Democratic candidates or committees, for the rest of this week, you are likely to be bombarded with with hysterical, desperate spam from the DCCC, DSCC and their myriad candidates. The New Dems and Third Way candidates from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party, like Patrick Murphy and Sean Patrick Maloney, have been instructed to send out as many as 5 e-mails per day leading up to Monday, the last day of the FEC's first quarter of 2014. As the Washington Post's Aaron Blake put it yesterday, pointing specifically to sleazy New Dem Brad Schneider (IL), "Fundraising e-mails are where the truth goes to die." So we're not going to send any more e-mails out 'til after that circus is over.Today, Blue America sent out an e-mail offering to send a $1,000 check from our PAC to whichever House candidate the members "vote" for. You tell us who. Just go to the regular Blue America page and contribute-- any amount-- to whichever candidate or candidates you would like to see get the extra thousand dollars.Blue America wants to know who progressive donors are feeling so far this cycle. There are no pitches for any of the candidates. All the candidates are listed on the page in alphabetical order and, of course, all DWT readers all acquainted with each one of them. Do you have a favorite candidate? We want to know-- and they all could use that extra thousand dollars this week.These are the Blue America House candidates so far this cycle:

• Stanley Chang (HI-01)- primary• Paul Clements (MI-06)• Alan Grayson (FL-09)• Tom Guild (OK-05)- primary• Patrick Hope (VA-08)- primary• Greg Howard (OH-06)- primary• Daylin Leach (PA-13)- primary• Mike Obermueller (MN-02)- primary• Pat Murphy (IA-01)- primary• Eloise Reyes (CA-31)- primary• Lee Rogers (CA-25)• Michael Wager (OH-14)• Kelly Westlund (WI-07)• Ron Zerban (WI-01)

The John Birch Society rearing it's ugly head again, except this time it's called "the Koch brothers" and it's willing to spend millions to end American democracy and replace it with plutocracy. It's worth fighting as hard as we can to stop them-- for our children's sake.