In Bizarre Social Media Rant, Netanyahu Lashes Out At CNN, New York Times

Screenshot from a video posted to Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s YouTube Channel, titled: Ever Wonder What Fake News Is.
Clearly upset with reporting by CNN and The New York Times, about a new political document from the Palestinian group Hamas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu echoed President Trump in a social media posting on Sunday, asking “Ever wonder what fake news is?”
As The Hill reports, Netanyahu rages…
 “Last week, headlines in CNN, Al Jazeera, and The Guardian said Hamas now accepts a Palestinian state along the 1967 lines. The New York Times headline called this ‘moderation.’”
“The intimation is that Hamas now accepts the state of Israel,” Netanyahu continued. “Great news, right? Well except for one small detail: This is a complete distortion of the truth.”
CNN’s headline on the new Hamas document reads: “Hamas says it accepts ’67 borders but doesn’t recognize Israel.”  The New York Times in a May 1 front-page headline wrote: “Hamas Tempers Extreme Stances In Bid For Power.”
While the Hamas document states a willingness for a Palestinian state along the 1967 borders, the group continues to back terrorism, Netanyahu argued, and has no interest in peace with Israel.
“It’s bad enough Hamas lies to the world. We don’t also have to lie to ourselves,” Netanyahu said.
“Hamas murders women and children. It [has] launched thousands of missile attacks at our homes. It brainwashes Palestinian kids in suicide kindergarten camps.”
“So, where does this hate-filled document belong?” he concludes with a question.
Netanyahu is then seen crumbling up the document and placing it into a garbage can.
Watch Netanyahu’s clip: Ever wonder what fake news is? below:


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