Big Money Intends To Shut Down Our Website

Big Money and the US government controlled by Big Money intend to close down Internet truthtellers. As Trump intends to reduce the tensions between nuclear powers, the 200 List prepared by the shadowy Internet site, PropOrNot, is in Trump’s way. Either Trump will be apprised and convinced of the “Russian threat,” or the dissident websites will be promoted to “Muslim apologists” and fall under the ire of Trump’s Iranophobic generals.
Our site,, is one of the sites targeted to be closed down. As I recently reported, the US House of Representatives already has passed a bill that creates an interagency executive branch committee that can be used to close down truthtellers on the basis that disagreement with the official propaganda reported as news by the presstitutes constitutes spreading fake news or is proof of conspiring with Russia or Iran (and soon, China) against the United States.
Apparently, Trump wants peace with Russia but war with Iran, a contradiction as Russia will not permit the US to have war with Iran. So if Trump and his generals persist, there will be no lessening of tensions between the US and Russia, and by extension with China.
If this is the outcome, Trump will blow up the planet as surely as Hillary would have done.
If Trump does not reduce tensions with Russia and China, there was no point in electing him.
The United States government is such a criminal institution that it is scared to death of truth. People who lie for the US government and their oligarch controllers prosper. Those who tell the truth are unjustly and harshly persecuted: Manning, Snowden, Assange, Kiriakou, Binney, And now there is a list of 200 websites to be persecuted.
The dictum of the George W. Bush regime — “you are with us or against us” — has moved to the next stage. My readers are aware that a brand new website, PropagandaOrNot (PropOrNot), compiled a list of the websites that provide real news and independent analysis and branded them “Russian agents.” In other words, if you tell the truth, you are serving Russia, not the US. To serve the US you must tell lies.
For telling the truth, PropOrNot has put me in their swill bucket:
PropOrNot says that our website has “been identified by the PropOrNot propaganda identification service as repeating, echoing, or referring their audience to Russian propaganda. They are highlighted in YYYs. See for more information.”
The Washington Post presstitute, Craig Timberg, wrote an irresponsible and libelous article publicizing the absurd charges of the shadowy and unknown PropOrNot website. Timberg, being a presstitute and not being a real journalist, failed to identify the people and the money behind the libelous charges made by PropOrNot. He reported the charges as if they were true.
Pam and Russ Martens, proprietors of the delightful website,, have researched PropOrNot to identify the corrupt forces that intend to make it a crime to speak truthfully in America.
It wasn’t easy to find out as those responsible for the website are hidden behind multiple covers like offshore tax avoidance corporations. But this is what they found out:
PropOrNot has an agent address in Sante Fe, New Mexico. An agent address serves “as a virtual address for the creation of limited liability corporations that want to keep their actual principals secret. The address has dozens of businesses associated with it. There should also be a corresponding business listed in the online archives of the business registry at the Secretary of State of New Mexico. However, no business with the words Propaganda or PropOrNot or YYY exist in the New Mexico business registry, suggesting PropOrNot is using a double cloaking device to shield its identity by registering under a completely different name.”
Obviously, those behind PropOrNot are either so ashamed of their perfidy or they are such public names that they want to stay hidden so that the American public cannot know who is determined to replace truth with lie.
And public names it is. The Martens find PropOrNot background ties to the billionaire Koch brothers, to the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, to the Sarah Scaife Foundation (the Mellon fortune), ExxonMobil, US Senators Chris Murphy and Rob Portman, who tie into Citigroup and Goldman Sachs, “two Wall Street behemoths that would very much like to pivot the national debate to anything other than Wall Street power and corruption.”
Read the Martens’ report.  This is an important report. It shows how money operates against the vast bulk of the American people.
You can see the kind of power that intends to close down truth in America and throughout the entirety of the Western world. How am I going to stand up to this kind of power? I cannot even afford a lawyer to file a defamation suit against the Washington Post, as Naked Capitalism has done. Somehow CounterPunch got off the list. Probably CP has pro bono attorneys. If any of my readers are fighting attorneys, I will split with you any damages you can obtain in a lawsuit against Bezos’ trophy newspaper.
If we get enough money for IPE, I won’t have to make these requests for reader support.
So here is the deal, go after Bezos’ billions. Sue on behalf of this website for libel, and it is a 50-50 split.
I don’t expect any takers, because it is expensive for an attorney to take on the system. If he or she wins the case, he or she is in the money. If he or she loses the case, they are finished. The ruling oligarchy does not forgive; It destroys.
Perhaps the way to minimize the risk is a class action suit in behalf of the 200 on the list. I tried to contact Naked Capitalism about this, but like so much on the Internet, Naked Capitalism is set up only to be contacted by advertisers, etc. A former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury cannot contact Naked Capitalism. The marvel of the digital era is that communication is impossible.
This website is supported financially by a small percentage of the readership. If each of the 400,000 who read this website contributed $1 dollar per month, I could hire lawyers and engineers to protect this webiste from libel and from hacking. If the 400,000 readers of this website contributed only $1 per year, it would be enough for me not to have to put up with the scumbag Washington Post, a suspected CIA asset throughout its entire existence.
If the millions of readers worldwide who rely on this website contributed $1 per year, I would be able to take on Bezos and his fake news newspaper and drive the lying presstitutes into the ground.
Alas, I am ready to fight, but where is my army?