In Biden's Disgusting, Corrupt Universe-- Let Me Quote Him Directly-- "Lobbyists Aren't Bad People"

Democratic primary voters, if you love your country, do NOT do it to us againYou know, it doesn't really matter-- in terms of electability-- that Status Quo Joe is popular in South Carolina or Mississippi or any other red hell-hole where the electorate is so conservative that Democrats have ZERO chance in 2020. And to be fair, it doesn't much matter than the bluest of states don't much like Biden, because states like California and Massachusetts are going to vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is, as sure as the big Biden states in the Old Confederacy-- where even Democrats still tend to be conservatives-- will vote for Trump.What does matter, however are the 206 counties across the country that voted for Obama both times and then flipped and voted against Hillary and for Trump in 2016. No one has polled these 206 counties yet... but perhaps you can tell a little something about them from their patterns of contributions. The Daily Beast came up with the idea: Bernie Out-Raises Biden in Obama-Trump Swing Counties. The unelectable Biden is trailing not just Bernie by this metric, but also Elizabeth Warren and even Mayo Pete!Ballotpedia was good enough to delineate the counties, which were especially numerous in Iowa (31) and Wisconsin (23), both of which flipped from blue to red. By percentage, that was 31.31% of Iowa's 99 counties (26.11% of the state's population) and 31.94% of Wisconsin's 72 counties (17.35% of the population).Many of these counties just did not like Hillary. Let's do a little detour here. Take Wisconsin. These were the counties where Bernie would have won in 2016. How do I know? He beat Hillary in all of them in the primaries and in the absolute aggregate got far more votes than Trump did on primary day as well. I listed the big counties with all the voters first and the tiny rural counties with very few voters at the end of the list:

• Bernie- 17,818• Hillary- 11,193• Trumpanzee- 13,293


• Bernie- 14,651• Hillary- 14,086• Trumpanzee- 11,756


• Bernie- 14,612• Hillary- 10,871• Trumpanzee- 11,139


• Bernie- 7,195• Hillary- 4,536• Trumpanzee- 4,697


• Bernie- 6,455• Hillary- 4,183• Trumpanzee- 4,413


• Bernie- 4,484• Hillary- 3,036• Trumpanzee- 3,462


• Bernie- 4,272• Hillary- 2,421• Trumpanzee- 3,074


• Bernie- 3,417• Hillary- 2,935• Trumpanzee- 2,948


• Bernie- 2,429• Hillary- 1,988• Trumpanzee- 2,414


• Bernie- 3,476• Hillary- 1,934• Trumpanzee- 2,437


• Bernie- 1,843• Hillary- 1,357• Trumpanzee- 2,780


• Bernie- 2,439• Hillary- 1,732• Trumpanzee- 3,060


• Bernie- 1,501• Hillary- 1,373• Trumpanzee- 2,279


• Bernie- 1,845• Hillary- 1,294• Trumpanzee- 1,804


• Bernie- 1,148• Hillary- 825• Trumpanzee- 1,395


• Bernie- 1,582• Hillary- 1,132• Trumpanzee- 1,201


• Bernie- 1,330• Hillary- 1,167• Trumpanzee- 1,190


• Bernie- 1,320• Hillary- 994• Trumpanzee- 1,765


• Bernie- 1,393• Hillary- 854• Trumpanzee- 1,673


• Bernie- 1,784• Hillary- 1,276• Trumpanzee- 1,434


• Bernie- 1,652• Hillary- 975• Trumpanzee- 2,034


• Bernie- 647• Hillary- 609• Trumpanzee- 1,110


• Bernie- 560• Hillary- 436• Trumpanzee- 607

We could do the same exercise for the Michigan counties-- same results: Bernie beat Hillary and also beat Trump on primary day. You would think the Democratic establishment would learn something from that. They didn't. They can't. Their livelihoods depend on them not learning anything at all, not ever.OK, let's go back to the original point. If you take all 206 counties that voted for Obama twice and then flipped red in 2016, this is how the people there contributed this year:

• Bernie- 33,185 donors made 81,841 donations• Mayo Pete- 14,294 donors make 23,320 donations• Elizabeth Warren- 13,674 donors made 26,298 donations• Status Quo Joe- 12,040 donors made 19,885 donations

Now look at those numbers from those "pivotal counties" and tell me who's the most-- and the least-- electable. Conservative shit bags in the media lost it yesterday when Bernie's campaign manager, Faiz Shakir, pointed out that "To defeat Donald Trump, we will need to drive turnout to historic levels in every county in America-- and these numbers show that Bernie Sanders’ campaign is building a huge and diverse grassroots movement to do exactly that" and told the Daily Beast's Gideon Resnick that Bernie is "best positioned to defeat Trump."Resnick wrote that "Sanders has led the Democratic field in terms of sheer number of givers by a wide margin. The senator, according to an aide, now has more than 2.5 million contributions and more than 900,000 individual donors overall. So the fact that he is beating Biden in these specific counties is not overly shocking... Biden and his team have made the case that he can resuscitate the Obama-era Democratic coalition and have leaned heavily on public opinion polls showing him beating Trump in hypothetical matchups by larger margins than his primary opponents. Sanders campaign has responded by noting that he has consistently beat Trump in early head-to-head polling too; in fact, the senator’s team has tried to make a concerted effort to prove that he is more electable that Biden. Biden’s campaign did not offer comment on the record."Two more quickies before we move on. First the Monmouth poll released this week. It shows Bernie out ahead with huge momentum and it shows Biden's numbers collapsing entirely-- from 33% in May to 19% now, as voters got to know who and what he is beyond just the guy Obama picked to balance his ticket in 2008. The better Democratic primary voters get to know Status Quo Joe-- the racist, the conservative, the corporate whore, the congenital liar, the crook-- the quicker they will flee to other candidates.And speaking of "the crook," Ben Schreckinger's report for Politico yesterday about Biden's lobbyist brother trading on Biden's name is bringing to the public what insiders have long known about the Biden family: almost as disgustingly crooked as the Trump family. Setting up another lesser-of-two-evils election, is the worst thing the Democrats can possibly do for 2020.

Joe Biden’s younger brother told potential business partners that the former vice president would help their firm land business with court systems and would incorporate their health care model into his 2020 presidential campaign, according to new allegations made in a court filing in Tennessee.The allegations are consistent with others made over the years that relatives of Biden have sought to enrich themselves off of his public service. But they go further, representing the first explicit claims that James Biden offered to have the former vice president use his clout to further private business interests.The allegations come in sworn declarations made by executives at firms suing Biden’s brother that were filed in federal court on Friday. They do not allege any wrongdoing by Joe Biden or indicate that the former vice president had knowledge of his brother’s alleged promises.

The executives testified that:1- James Biden suggested he would enlist his older brother’s help in landing the firm contracts for court-ordered outpatient care.2- In the lead-up to Biden’s presidential campaign launch, James Biden promised in a phone call “that the DMM psychiatric care model would be used by Joe Biden as part of his campaign.3- James Biden mentioned that his brother’s connections to labor unions and the Department of Veterans Affairs would help DMM expand its model nationwide.4- At a dinner outside of Philadelphia around early September 2018, James Biden said that his brother’s connections at the Department of Veterans Affairs could help the firm land VA contracts.5- James Biden "stated that he could facilitate contracts between DMM and first responders based on the relationships that his brother had with certain labor unions."You think it's safe to put this piece of shit up against Trump? Watch: