Biden’s Burisma problem will not go away (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss Republican Senator Ron Johnson’s ramping up of a probe into Joe and Hunter Biden, and their deep ties to corrupt Ukraine energy company Burisma.

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Via The Gateway Pundit…
Senator Ron Johnson told reporters on Wednesday that Senate Republicans are entering a new phase of their investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden and their ties to a corrupt Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma.
Senator Johnson (R-WI) said he will likely release an interim report within the next month or two about his committee’s probe into the Biden crime family, Politico reported.
“These are questions that Joe Biden has not adequately answered,” Ron Johnson said. “And if I were a Democrat primary voter, I’d want these questions satisfactorily answered before I cast my final vote.”
“My investigations are not focused on the Bidens. They’re just not. But I can’t ignore them because they’re part of the story. They made themselves part of the story,” Johnson said. “If there’s wrongdoing, the American people need to know it. If there is no wrongdoing or nothing significant, the American people need to understand that as well.”
As expected, House Democrats are pushing back on GOP Senators and accusing them of pushing ‘Kremlin talking points’ by accusing the Bidens of Ukraine related crimes.
“I am concerned to see that in the Senate there seems to be a renewed interest in furthering these bogus Russian narratives through the use of their investigative powers,” said House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA). “I just think it’s so deeply destructive to be effectively working in a concert with Russian propaganda artists.”
Schiff said he would use his position as chairman of the Intel Panel to call out adversaries for “furthering Kremlin narratives.”
It was reported Tuesday Senator Ron Johnson will be calling in Andrii Telizhenko to testify in front of the Senate Homeland Security Committee.
Andrii Telizhenko worked as a political officer in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington DC in 2015-2016.
Andrii Telizhenko spoke to The Gateway Pundit about the DNC-Russia collusion scandal back in December 2018.
The Gateway Pundit was the first publication to interview Telizhenko on his meetings with DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa in the Obama White House back in 2016.
Senators Johnson and Grassley have also requested Biden-Burisma docs from the Treasury Department, State Department and other agencies.
“In April 2014, Vice President Biden reportedly became the “public face of the administration’s handling of Ukraine.” Around the same time, the Vice President’s son, Hunter Biden, and his business associate, Devon Archer both began serving on the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company,” the letter written by Grassley and Johnson stated, adding that Hunter was being paid as much as $30,000 per month (it was actually more).
Grassley and Johnson also stated that Joe Biden bragged about threatening to withhold a billion in aid from Ukraine if they didn’t fire Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor investigating Burisma.
“Well son of a bitch. He got fired,” Biden said of Viktor Shokin in 2018 to the Council on Foreign Relations.
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