BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 7, 2013

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“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.” –Elie Wiesel

International Newsworthy

The Complete BFP Select Nightly News (Subscribers Only)


The Israeli-Sunni Coalition against Iran

Just Who Has Been Killing Iran’s Nuclear Scientists?

Killing of Iranian Cyberwarfare Expert Sparks Rumors of Assassination

Netanyahu Urges UN to Hold Sanctions on Iran

Obama: Iran a Year or More from Nuke Capability

Iran Arrests 4 Men in ‘Nuclear Facilities Sabotage’ Plot 

Tajikistan’s Big Spender Admits He Helped Iran Launder Oil Money

Iran’s Foreign Minister Suggests Parliamentary, Scholarly Ties with US

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Syria’s Assad Refuses to Negotiate with “Terrorists”

Preview of Spiegel Interview With President Assad: ‘West Is More Confident in al-Qaeda than Me’

Intl Chemical Team ‘Starts’ Destroying Syria Arsenal, Machinery 

Russia, US Agree Geneva-2 Conference on Syria Should Begin Mid-November – Lavrov

Syrian Border: NATO Military Committee Chief Visits Jordan

‘British Extremists Use Syria as Training Ground Before Returning Home’  

Turkish Parliament’s Permit to Intervene in Syria Misguided

Syria War Spillover Reported in Australia

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Afghan Mineral Wealth Offers Security or Conflict

Gunman Who Killed NATO Soldier May Have Been Contract Security Guard

Ex-Al Qaeda Ally Abdul Rasoul Sayyaf to Run Afghan President

Afghan Children Killed in NATO Airstrike

Pakistan Says Evidence of Balochistan Interference Shared with India

Retiring Army chief Set to Extend Power

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Turkey Suspects Turkish Students Who Visited Iran of Espionage

Turkish Shias in Fear of Life on the Edge

Suicide Bomber Kills 12 in Iraq Cafe; Gunmen Shoot 2 Journalists Dead

Bahrain to Try Opposition Leader for Inciting Terrorism

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U.S. Special Forces Involved in Somalia Operation

US Raids in Libya & Somalia to Inflame Anxieties about National Sovereignty

Pentagon Tight-Lipped Over Aspects of Libya and Somalia Raids

Failed Navy SEALs Raid on Somali Target Could Bolster Al Shabab

Kerry Says US Raid in Libya was ‘Legal’, Vows Such Operations Will Go On  

Get to Know Egypt’s Islamists

Police Openly Beat Brotherhood Sympathizers in Cairo

Tunisia Rivals Agree to Form Govt of Independents

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The New Great Game Round-Up, October 6, 2013

Putin Seeks to Boost Trade with China to New Record $100bn

Medvedev Opposes Ethnic Enclaves in Russian Cities

Russia Planning ‘Near-Total Surveillance’ of Visitors, Athletes at Sochi Winter Olympics

As Russian Base Deal Approaches Ratification in Tajikistan, Murmurs of Dissent

Russia Starts Talks on Tajikistan’s Ayni Air Base

Georgia: Saakashvili Re-Elected As UNM Chairman

Georgia PM Meets Muslim Community Leaders

French Court Dismisses Illegal Donations Charges against Sarkozy

Mediterranean: NATO Naval Exercises “in High Gear”

National Newsworthy

Privacy & Cybersecurity Illusions Have to Go!

How a Telecom Helped the Govt Spy on Me

NSA Chief Admits “Only One or Perhaps Two” Terror Plots Stopped by Spy Program

NSA Director Alexander Uses Weasel Words to Avoid Details of Cell Phone Tracking Program

Surveillance Review Panel Sent Home Amid Govt Shutdown

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Homeland Security Requests Lid on Drone Data after Internal Documents Reveal 500 US Flights

ATF Tries to Block Whistleblowing Agent’s Fast & Furious Book

Human Rights Groups Say Obama Has Failed on Guantanamo

Now Mastercard Wants Your Fingerprints

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Governor Brown Signs California Industrial Hemp Farming Act

Hot-Button Issues on Supreme Court Docket

Super-Rich Campaign Donors Look Forward to “Citizens United 2” Supreme Court Case

Lobbyists Denounce Push to Limit Their Access in Shutdown * * * *

Treasury Was Open for Business on 3rd Day of ‘Shutdown:’ Issued $106B in New Debt

Gold Befuddles Bernanke as Central Banks’ Losses at $545 Billion

Banks’ Lending Stance Stalls Retail Sales

This is What Keeps Retailers Up at Night

Systems are Breaking in Treasury Bond Market

Noteworthy Editorials

BFP Book Review by Mark Mondalek- “A Secrets, Spies and 7/7 by Tom Secker”

Dr. James Petras: US- Venezuela Relations: A Case Study of Imperialism & Anti-Imperialism

Pepe Escobar: China- We Don’t Do Shutdowns

Noam Chomsky: The Obama Doctrine

EFF: The NSA Is Making Us All Less Safe

Stephen Lendman: Police in America- “Licensed to Kill”

We Love You As We Kill You

When Federal Contracts Turn Into Corporate Welfare

America’s Greatest Enemy is Itself

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video 1: Corbett Report- New World Next Week

Video 2: RT-Extreme Elections: Warlords, Militia among Afghan Presidential Nominees

BFP Podcast- Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “The Very Visible Hand of Financial Markets Today”

Podcast 1: Corbett Report-Make Your Own Media

Podcast 2: Traces of Reality-Guy Evans on the DC Shooting, False Narratives & Silk Road’s “Heisenberg”


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