BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 10, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“Feeling good about government is like looking on the bright side of any catastrophe. When you quit looking on the bright side, the catastrophe is still there.” –P. J. O’Rourke

International Newsworthy

Israel and Syria on Verge of Military Clash – UN Official

Jordan Wargames: Patriot Batteries, F-16s & 4,500 US Troops Near Syrian Border

US Speeds Up Arming Syria Rebels

Syrian Rebels Urge Global Military Action

Syrian Rebels ‘Execute Teenager’ in Aleppo

Syria: Opposition in Retreat – Analysis

Syrian Rebels Clash with Kurdish Militias

Large Car Bombs Increasing in Syria

Foreign Islamists Head to Syria to Face Hezbollah

Russia Enlists Syrian Kurds for Geneva II

For Hezbollah, What is Victory in Syria?

Jordan Jittery as Assad Troops Advance

Subsidies Cut or Removal Poses Great Concern for Most Syrians

Senator John McCain Meets Leaders of Terror Brigade in Syria. The NGOs that Made it Happen

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Is Turkey Heading Toward Civil War?

Turkey: The Rise of a New Citizen

Turkey’s Protests and the Potential for Foreign Involvement – Analysis

In Turkey, Rival Soccer Fans Unite in Protest

Turkish Protesters Control Gezi Park

Turkey: Erdogan Again Calls Demonstrators ‘Looters’

U.S. Embassy in Ankara Deletes Tweets Disputing Erdogan’s Comment

Turkish PM Changes Park Plans, Istanbul Protests Likely to Continue

Turkish PM Calls for Pro-Government Rallies

Turkey Opposition Calls for Snap Vote

Turkey Rules Out Early Polls, Thousands Defy Call to End Protest

Erdogan Warns Govt’s Patience could ‘End’ as Police Teargas Protesters in Ankara 

Erdogan’s Mishandling of Protests Has Exposed the Myth of a Stable Turkey

* * * *

US Tests Iran Nuclear ‘Bunker Buster’

Iran Announces Security-Oriented ‘Space Tracking Center’ 

Iran Embassy Rejects Beirut Clash Report

Iraq Looks to Foreign Investment To Boost Oil Capacity

Iran to Load Heavy Water Reactor with “Virtual Fuel”: Nuclear Chief

Iran Ups Cyber-Attacks on Israeli Computers: “Says” Netanyahu

Iran Rejects Russia’s S-300 Substitute Offer

* * * *

Taliban Strikes Kabul Airport with Multiple Blasts, 7 Dead 

Insider Attack Kills Three NATO Troops in Afghanistan

Afghanistan Demands British Forces Transfer Prisoners within Weeks

US Drone Strike Draws Angry Pakistan Protest

Pakistan Summons Top U.S. Diplomat over Drone Strikes

This Is Pakistan’s Answer to US Drone Defiance

Militants Attack NATO Containers in Khyber; Six Killed

* * * *

Iraqi Kurdish Parties Agree on Controversial Information Law

Sadr Calls on Government to Curb Armed Group

US Gulf Allies Crack Down on Internet Freedoms

10 Zaidis Dead in Yemen Police Clash

US Anti-Drone Activists to visit Yemen

Israel’s Military Exports Jump by 20% in 2012: Report

* * * *

Egypt Braces for Judicial Showdown

Will Egypt Have Its Second Revolution on June 30?

‘No Nile, No Egypt,’ Cairo Warns Over Ethiopia Dam

US Quietly OKs Egypt Military Aid Despite Rights Concerns

Kerry Secretly Approved Huge Arms Shipments to Egypt

Major Military Exercises under Way in Jordan

Libyan Army Chief Quits after Deadly Clashes

Sudan Orders Halt of South Sudan Oil Flow

Mali: HRW Sees New Abuses by Tuareg Rebels, Soldiers

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The New Great Game Round-Up, June 10

China to Revive ‘Southern Silk Road’

Putin Orders Crackdown on Islamists, Police Detain 300 People

Russia’s New Middle Eastern Role

Moscow Trial Sends Warning to Rank-and-File Putin Foes

Gazprom’s Demise Could Topple Putin?

Decision Time for BP-Led Group on Route of Caspian Gas Pipeline

Dubai Eyes ‘Promising’ CIS States

Azerbaijan to Demonstrate Drones Purchased from Israel in Parade for First Time

Tajikistan Getting Helicopters from India; Kyrgyzstan Air Defense from China

Alleged Hizb Ut-Tahrir Members Arrested in Kyrgyzstan

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UK Mosques Urged to Install Panic Alarms and Safe Rooms

Report: UK Government Getting US Spy Agency’s Data

Prism: Ministers Challenged Over British Access to Covert US Operation

US Nuclear Bombs Stored in Netherlands

Swiss Minister Pushes for More & Fair Asylum Reforms

National Newsworthy

Bush NSA Chief: Obama ‘Expanded’ Surveillance

NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden Reveals Himself

Whistleblower’s NSA Warning: ‘Just the Tip of the Iceberg’

Edward Snowden, the Washington Post & Whistleblowers

NSA Whistleblower: The Ultimate Insider Attack

DOJ Launches Criminal Probe of NSA Leaker

* * * *

What Is the NSA’s Prism Program?

How the NSA and FBI Lie with Numbers

Government Says Secret Court Opinion on Law Underlying PRISM Program Needs to Stay Secret

What We Don’t Know About Spying on Citizens: Scarier Than What We Know

Why Government Access to Metadata Is More Than a ‘Modest Encroachment’ on Privacy

Sources: NSA Sucks in Data from 50 Companies

Graphics, Grids & 4 More Secret Years of PRISM: What Anonymous Knows

Despite Obama’s Claim, FISA Court Rarely Much of a Check

Verizon Security Chief Used to be High Level Official at FBI

The Motherboard Guide to Avoiding the NSA

* * * *

Obama Orders Global Cyber-Attacks Target List

Obama Homeland Security Says Reasonable Suspicion not Needed for Laptop and Cellphone Searches…Hunches Good Enough

NY Times Quietly Changes Published Editorial to Make It Less Damning of Obama

The A-List Conspiracy: Did Hollywood Tell Obama to Take Down Internet Entrepreneur?

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Pentagon Has No Idea What 108,000 Contractors Are Doing

Defense Contractors Turn to Border Control for New Profits

Appeals Court Reverses Order to Declassify Foreign Trade Documents

Report: Homeschooling Growing Seven Times Faster than Public School Enrollment

Fracking Companies Buy Silence of Families with Contaminated Water

US Spends $80 Billion Year on Secret Information Gathering

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Fed’s ‘Flow of Funds’

U.S. Mired in Employment Rut after Jobless Numbers Rise: Economists

American Households on Foodstamps Climb to New Record

Noteworthy Editorials

Sibel Edmonds: America- A Deteriorating Nation of Denial & Apathy

Ron Paul: Government Spying: Should We Be Shocked?

John Stanton: President Obama’s Data Harvesting Program: NSA as Pollster, PRISM as MISO

Glenn Greenwald: US Wants to Destroy Privacy Worldwide

NSA Spying on Americans Is an Outrage

Douglas Valentine: Dirty Wars and Self-Indulgence

Phil Giraldi: Paul Wolfowitz’s Iran Connection

Pat Buchanan: Government Paid Agitators

Andrew Gavin Marshall: Turkey’s Urban Uprising

Eric Margolis: Why the Turn on Turkey?

Turkey: Erdogan, a Sultan in Winter?

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video 1: NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden

Video 2: RT-NSA: Everyone’s a Terrorist | Brainwash Update

Video 3: Ron Paul Daily-Ron Paul on Computer Surveillance in 1984

BFP Podcast Show- Pepe Escobar on Police State USA, Apathy America, Uprising in Turkey & More!

Podcast 1: Traces of Reality- How Perpetual War Abroad Leads to the Police State at Home

Podcast 2: Lew Rockwell Show-The State Seeks To Split the Opposition

Podcast 3: Rick Rozoff-NATO is Antithetical to the Spirit of the United Nations

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