BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- July 22, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“If you do not speak up when it matters, when would it matter that you speak? The opposite of courage is conformity. Even a dead fish can go with the flow.”  -Jim Hightower

International Newsworthy

Terror Worries: Foreign Fighters Flocking to Syria

Russian Region Says Militants Flocking to Syria

Russia Urges Syria Terrorists Expelled

Syrian Army Targets Oil Smugglers, Clashes Expanded in Daraa, Aleppo

Syrian Kurds Prepare for Self-Governance

Islamist-Kurdish Fighting Spreads in Rebel-Held Syria

Contract to Supply Russian S-300 Missiles Still in Force – Syrian Deputy PM

The Islamic State of Iraq & Ash-Sham Expands into Rural Northern Syria

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Investigation – U.S. Bankrolled Anti-Morsi Activists

Violent Clashes in Egypt Following Calls to ‘Lay Seige’ to the US Embassy

Egypt’s Coup-Friendly Liberal Democrats

Top Prosecutor Orders Investigation into Mansoura Deaths

Egypt Denies Morsi and US Joined in a Plot

Is Egypt’s Defense Minister El Sisi Its President in Waiting?

Family Accuses Egypt Army of Kidnapping Morsi

Egypt Reviews Ties with Syria

Israel Reacts Positively to Egypt Coup

Jordan’s Muslim Brotherhood Is in Shock over Egypt

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Iran Engagement Camp Gets Surprise Boost

Iran to Sign Gas Export Deal with Iraq

Iran’s Pivot to the East

Iran Denies Failure in World Bank Payments

Iran Opposes Israeli-Palestinian Talks

Afghans See Their Army Woo Them with Piety

Karzai Sets Conditions for Pakistan Visit

Pakistan: The Gathering Storm

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Ankara Warns Against Kurdish Autonomy in Syria

PKK to Establish Joint Command for Four Countries

Turkey Adds Fuel to Iraqi Kurds’ Fight for Independence

Turkish Court Gives Go-Ahead to Demolish Gezi Park

Official: Saddam-Era Law in Kirkuk Deprives Kurds of Their Lands

Death Toll Rises in Iraq Weekend Violence

Leader of Hezbollah in Iraq Threatens More Sectarian Violence

EU Weighs Sanctions against Military Wing of Hezbollah

Kuwait: Teacher Faces Jail over Twitter Comments

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Somalia: Militants ‘Infiltrate’ Intelligence Services – UN

UN Voices Fears over Somalia Media Law

No Glimpse of Hope ahead of Sudan-South Sudan Talks

Can Oil and Water Mix in Malawi?

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The New Great Game Round-Up, July 21

Russia: Failed North Caucasus Policy

US ‘Fails to Extradite Criminals to Russia’

Russia Poll: Migration Likeliest Threat to National Security

Azerbaijan: When it Comes to Pipelines, It’s Not Personal, It’s Strictly Business

Azerbaijan, Russia Draw Closer Over Energy Ties

Kazakhstan Blocks India’s Kashagan Deal in Favor of Chinese

Why Is Kazakhstan’s Air Force Studying Urban Operations?

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KBR Building Missile Defense Base in Romania

Litvinenko Inquiry Blocked to Avoid Upsetting Russia, British Official Suggests

Britain’s Former Top Spy Threatens to Expose Secrets of Iraq ‘Dodgy Dossier’

‘I Would Rather Wait’: Merkel Remains Mum on NSA Spying

Former Spy, Guerrilla Jailed for Kosovo Murder

Eurozone Debt Burden Hits All-Time High in Q1

National Newsworthy

US Drone Surveillance Is Expanding Beyond Combat Zones

Obama Justice Dept. Claims Courts have no Right to Challenge Government Killing of Americans Abroad

FAA Warns Public against Shooting Guns at Drones

Judge Grills US Justice Department Official over Drone Strikes

New Jersey Supreme Court First to Order Warrants for Cell Phone Tracking

NSA Phone Snooping Cannot Be Challenged in Court, Feds Say

Obama’s Hawkish Policy on Leaks Was Adopted to Make an Example Out of Someone

Journalist James Risen Ordered to Testify in CIA Leaker Trial

Federal Judges Vote 2-1 to Order Journalist to Testify in CIA Whistleblower Case

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Admiral Lays Out U.S. Global Missile Shield Plans

KBR Must Face Lawsuit Over Alleged Iraq Kickbacks: Court

US Navy Awards Nearly $900 Million in Cyber Operations Contracts

Inspector General: Despite Nearly $1b Effort, Navy Still Can’t Audit Books

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GOP Leaders Face Libertarian Revolt over NSA, Egypt, Syria

Right Seeks to Force Boehner’s Hand on Special Benghazi Probe

Supreme Court Urged to Review Lobbyist’s Conviction

Leaked Memo Reveals Big Pharma’s Strategy to Combat Regulators who Want Drug Trial Results Published

FDA Approves Brainwave Helmet to Test Kids for ADHD

Farmworker Advocates Press EPA to Update Pesticide Rules

Who Owns Online Data of the Dead?

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Economic Fundamentals are Screaming that Massive Trouble is on the Horizon

The Party May Be Over for Tech Stocks

Fed Rethinks Move Allowing Banks to Trade Physical Commodities

Detroit Mayor Warns “We May Be One of the First… But We Absolutely Won’t Be the Last”

Ahead of Tomorrow’s Hearing on Goldman and JPM’s Commodity Cartel

Goldman Sachs Aluminum Scheme Cost American Consumers $5 Billion Past Three Years

Existing Home Sales Fall by Most in 2013, Biggest Miss in 12 Months

Noteworthy Editorials

Andrew Gavin Marshall: An Anarchistic Understanding of the Social Order

Dr. James Petras: Brazil- Extractive Capitalism and the Great Leap Backward

Russ Baker: Is Snowden The Criminal-Or Is It The System?

Norman Solomon: Edward Snowden: A Portrait of the Leaker as a Young Man

Eric Margolis: Uncle Sam’s Big, Big Ears

Washington’s Blog: America No Longer Has a Functioning Judicial System

Leaked CIA Document and Freedom of the Press

Mission Creep: When Everything Is Terrorism

Why the US Executive Branch Is a Clear and Present Danger to Our Democracy

‘Everyone Is Corrupt, I’ve Come to Learn’

Rise of the Warrior Cop

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report- How to Boycott Big Tech

Video 1: RT-Drowning in Drugs: Heroin cheaper than food in Pakistan

Video 2: Libyan Terrorists Sending Weapons over Turkey to Syria

BFP Podcast: De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez: The Economics of the “War on Drugs”

Podcast 1: Peter B. Collins Show- Appeals Court Reinstates NDAA Detention Law

Podcast 2: Blacklisted Radio with Guillermo Jimenez

Podcast: Corbett Report-Larken Rose on the Religion of Statism

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