BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- August 30, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“Probably, no nation is rich enough to pay for both war and civilization. We must make our choice; we cannot have both.” — Abraham Flexner

International Newsworthy

Obama Considers ‘Limited’ Military Action against Syria

US to Decide on Military Action in Syria ‘On Our Own’ – White House 

Kerry Cites ‘High Confidence’ in Intelligence on Syrian Weapons

John Kerry’s “Proof” Statement – Full Transcript

US Intel Report Stops Short of Confirming Assad is Responsible for Chemical Attack

US Intel Officials: Weapons Charge No ‘Slam Dunk’

Excerpts: UK Intelligence Assessment of Syrian Chemical Attack

US Deploys Fifth Destroyer to Eastern Mediterranean

Syria Again Throws Spotlight on Selective Leak Policy

U.S.-Russia Conflict over Syria Continues to Rage Inside, Outside Security Council

Russia Denies Delivering New Weapons to Syria

Russia Denies Syria Link to Naval Moves

Leader of Syrian Kurds against Foreign Military Operation in Syria

British MPs Reject Military Intervention in Syria

Galloway Speaks Out against Syria War

UK Antiwar Campaigners Prepare for Substantial Weekend Protest over Syria

France Prepared to Invade Syria Even Without British Support: Hollande

French Oppose War against Syria

Israel Conducts Military Drills in Occupied Lebanese Ghajar

Germany: No Plans to Join Syria Military Action

Does the US Want German Help in Syria?

Maliki Tells US Ambassador Iraq’s Position Supporting Political Solution in Syria, Opposing Military Intervention

Turkish PM Says Syria Intervention Should Aim to End Assad Rule

Turkey’s Opposition Parties Reject Military Strike in Syria

Iran to Do ‘What’s Appropriate’ on Syria

Witnesses of Gas Attack Say Saudis Supplied Rebels with Chemicals

UN Orders Its Inspectors Out of Syria in Anticipation of Strikes

* * * *

Terrorist MKO Executes US-Israeli Anti-Iran Plots: Ex-Member

Russian Company Destroys Missiles Destined for Iran Following Western Pressure

Suicide Attack at Afghanistan Mosque Kills 10, Including Governor

Pakistani Top Court Seeks to Ban Zardari from Leaving Country

Al Qaeda Claims Responsibility for Iraq Bombings

Protests in Yemen over Possible Syria Strike

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Suicide Bombing Shakes Sinai Amid Security Crackdown

Egypt’s Brotherhood Ramps Up Calls for Protests

Thousands of Islamists Protest across Egypt amid Heavy Security Presence

Nigerians Charged With Aiding Iran Militant Cell

Tunisian Minister: Ansar al-Sharia Linked to Political Assassinations

Congo Conflict Spills Over Into Rwanda

Kenya Lists Al-Shabaab as Organized Crime Gang

* * * *

Chinese, Pakistani Air Forces to Conduct Exercises Over Xinjiang

China Warns US against Meddling in Hong Kong Politics

Report: Russian President Putin ‘Infuriated’ by Obama’s ‘Bored Kid’ Quip

Tensions Rise in Georgia’s Breakaway Regions

Ukraine, U.S. “Vow” to Deepen Energy Cooperation

U.S. Military Scotches Plans for Logistics Centers in Almaty, Baku, Bishkek

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UK Spies Have Access to Almost All European Internet Traffic

UK Officials Asked New York Times to Destroy Snowden Docs

German Media Neglects UK Mass Surveillance

Swiss Banks to Divulge Names of Wealthy US tax Avoiders, Pay Billions in Fines

National Newsworthy

Analyst Was Asked by Special Ops HQ to Collect Intel on US Citizen

NSA Asked about Sharing info with DEA

NSA to Release Spying Statistics

Snowden Reveals US Intelligence’s Black Budget: $52.6 Billion on Secret Programs 

CIA and NSA’s ‘Black Budget’ Massive, Bloated, and Largely Ineffective at Stopping Terrorism

Mayor Bloomberg Loves Security Cameras Everywhere… Until His Police Are Ordered to Wear Them

* * * *

Court Rules White House Visitor Logs Can Remain Secret

Leaked Documents Reveal US Sees Israel as a Spying Threat

Facebook to Include Profile Pix in Facial Recognition Database

Missouri Law would Allow Arrest of Federal Agents Enforcing National Gun Laws

Lobbyists Earn Government Pensions in 20 States

Inhofe: Kerry Sought to ‘Sell’ Senators on Use of Force against Syria

* * * *

The End of QE is Nowhere Near

August US Equity Trading Volume Plunges to Lowest in 16 Years

Cooler Spending in US Signals Slow Start for Quarter

Crude Falls from Two-Year High as Syria Concern Eases

Chicago PMI Prints As Expected, Employment Component Drops to Four Month Low

Noteworthy Editorials

Sibel Edmonds: What & When We Exposed, & the MSM- Quasi Alternative Culprits Who Fought Our Exposés

Dr. James Petras: The Obama Regime’s Military Metaphysics Rejects Diplomatic Opportunities

Stephen Lendman: Nobel Peace Laureate Obama Plans War on Syria Based on Lies

Barack W. Bush: Unilateral War in Syria

The Neocon March on Damascus

Insular Beltway Elite Makes Wars of Choice More Likely

Moral Obscenities in Syria

The NSA and Its “Compliance Problems”

Federal Online IDs: A Bad Idea in 2011 Looks Even Worse Today

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report-Chemical Hypocrisy: Lies & Disinformation on the Road to War

BFP EyeOpener Video Report (Preview)- Chemical Hypocrisy: Lies & Disinformation on the Road to War

Video 1: News Apparently Staged by CNN to Promote War in Syria

Video 2: George Galloway Speech British Parliament Debate on Syria

BFP Podcast 1: Peter B. Collins-Processing Distortion: “The Spin-Up to a Probable US Military Assault on Syria”

BFP Podcast 2: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “Syria: World War Crazy”

Podcast 1: Corbett Report-Pepe Escobar on Bandar Bush’s Role in Syria

Podcast 2: Traces of Reality- Sheldon Richman on Obama’s Lack of “Moral Standing” to Condemn Assad

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