BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- August 21, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“Is there any point in public debate in a society where hardly anyone has been taught how to think, while millions have been taught what to think?” –Peter Hitchens

International Newsworthy

Military Dictatorship Takes Shape on Nile

Has Egypt Brought Back Mubarak’s Police State?

Egypt’s Coup Breathes New Life into Al-Qaeda

Turkey’s Erdogan Sees Israel’s Hand in Egyptian Overthrow

US Condemns Erdogan’s Comments on Israel, Egypt

Cairo Military Firmly Hooked to US Lifeline

Poll: Americans Criticize Obama on Egypt, Want Aid Cut Off

White House Says U.S. Aid to Egypt Still under Review

EU FMs Mull Sanctions against Egypt

Egypt Prime Minister Hazem El-Beblawi: Cutting Aid ‘Bad Sign’

Egypt: ElBaradei to Be Prosecuted

Rabias of the World Unite in Egypt

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Rouhani Appoints Controversial Justice Minister

Iran to Unveil New Indigenous Submarine

Iranian High Schoolers to Learn How to Hack US Drones

Afghans at Court-Martial Describe Pain from Massacre by US Soldier

Afghans Protest against US Night Raids

US-Afghanistan Security Deal Talks Could Resume Soon

Musharraf Charged with Bhutto Murder

10 Terrorists Arrested, Record Explosives Seized in SW Pakistan

Imran Unveils 2000-Page White Paper on Poll Rigging

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Syria Opposition Claims 1,193 Killed in Chemical Attack by Gov’t Forces

Reports of Massive Chemical Attack Near Damascus as UN Observers Arrive in Syria

Syrian Army Denies Chem. Weapons Use

Syria Gas Attack Story has Whiff of Saudi War Propaganda

Nearly 190,000 Syrian Refugees Seek Shelter in Iraq: UN

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Iraq’s Kurdistan ‘Sets Quota’ to Stem Massive Stream of Syrian Refugees

Assyrians Discuss Possible State in Iraq

Iraq MP Accuses Political Parties of Supporting al-Qaeda

Four Killed in Separate Attacks in Iraq

Saudi Arabia and Turkey Falter Over Egypt

Lebanon Issues 13 Arrest Warrants for Abduction of Turkish Pilots

Qatar Encroaches on Saudi Influence in Yemen

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China Chases Central Asian Pipe Dream

China Dispatches Ships for Rare Drills with US Navy

‘US Ignored 5 Russian Extradition Pleas’

Russia Sends a Bitter Trade Message to Ukraine – With Chocolate

U.S. Marine Corps Officer Sees Georgian Troops off to NATO’s Afghan War

Armenia Reportedly Buys Chinese Rockets

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EU to Launch Independent Investigation into PRISM Scandal

Confirmed: Deputy PM Initiated Guardian Request to Destroy NSA Files ‘for National Security’

N. Zealand Govt Passes NSA-Style Snooping Bill

National Newsworthy

NSA Surveillance Said to be Broader than Initially Believed

Breaking the Rules Thousands of Times at the NSA

Obama Assurance of Surveillance Oversight is undercut by FISA Court’s Chief Judge

Clapper’s Bodyguard of Lies

NSA has Ability to Read 75% of All US Internet Traffic 

Report: NSA Doesn’t Know the Extent of Snowden Damage

NSA Story Cuts into Obama’s Popularity with Young Voters* * * *

Improved RFID Technology in Smart Guns Threatens Second Amendment

Psyops: Socom Seeks System to Control AM, FM Transmissions in Emergency

Pilot Group Expresses Concern Over Sharing the Sky With Drones

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Judge Sentences Bradley Manning to 35 Years

CCR Condemns Manning Sentence, Whistleblower Should Have Never Been Prosecuted

Obama DOJ Asks Court to Grant Immunity to George W. Bush for Iraq War

Autopsy Report Details Death of Rolling Stone Journalist

Michael Hastings’ Autopsy Report: Read Full Text Here

Analyst Who Spied on US for Israel Speaks Out for First Time

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Al Jazeera America’s Republican Lobbyists

House Investigators See ‘Contradictions’ in IRS Official’s Testimony

North Coloradans to Vote on Secession and Creation of 51st State

After 234 Years without an Earthquake, Youngstown had 109 in One Year Once Fracking Began

Ousted Chesapeake Energy CEO Aubrey McClendon Launching Ohio Land Grab

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JPMorgan Chase Hit with China Bribery Probe

Is the Government Trying to Break Up JPMorgan?

George Soros Takes a Giant Put Position against the S&P 500

Bank of America Downgrades JCP Unsecured Notes on Diminishing Liquidity

Study: Welfare Pays More than Work in 35 States

Noteworthy Editorials

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Gangster State USA-UK

Kevin Gosztola: Military Judge Sentences Bradley Manning to 35 Years in Prison

Will Grigg: Soviet Amerika?

Stephen Lendman: Britain’s War on Freedom

Eric Peters: Tyranny for Profit

The Surveillance State Is Corrosive: The Case of Pamela Jones

The Snowden Effect, Continued

President Obama’s Secret Plan for Egypt

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Report- “Constitution-Free Border Zones” with James Corbett

Video 1: U.S. Health Dept. Offering $30K in Cash Prizes for Pro-ObamaCare Propaganda Videos

Video 2: RT- NSA Abuse ‘Huge’ as Agency Revels in Terror Powers

BFP Podcast: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “The Global Cartel: Central Banks & Financial Markets”

Podcast 1: Corbett Report-The Lord of the Rings

Podcast 2: Peter B. Collins Show-Miranda’s Heathrow Detention Shows Airports are Lawless Zones

Podcast 3: Eric Draitser’s Stop Imperialism- Episode 68

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