BFP Roundtable Video 2– Glenn Greenwald & Checkbook Journalism

Welcome to the second pilot edition of BFP Roundtable. In this episode James, Guillermo and I discuss the controversy surrounding the Glenn Greenwald, Omidyar-PayPal and NSA connections. We talk about the glacial pace at which the Snowden  documents are being released, Greenwald’s book and video deals, the  new news venture with eBay co-founder Pierre Omidyar, the things that  Greenwald doesn’t report on, and the public’s tendency to put people  on pedestals. Don’t miss this controversial edition of the BFP Roundtable.

Additional Notes
On November 23, 2009, I wrote and published an article on how State Secrets Privilege cases were being censored by a certain columnist. At the time, especially after receiving ugly comments and responses from that journalist, I had decided not to name him. I didn’t want further public mudslinging, considering the ugly and vicious attacks this columnist was famous for. Of course, everyone got it (Please checkout comments section)-they knew exactly who this puppet was. Here is my article published at Boiling Frogs Post in November 2009:
State Secrets Privilege: The Puppets & Puppet Masters

Did I and others, including attorneys, seek comments from Greenwald on why he would erase history and censor cases on SSP cases? You bet.
Is it surprising that the person who engaged in the following public name-calling would use ugly attacks and comments such as ‘Shut Up, bitch. Go away!’? I don’t think so. You?

I have also mentioned how Greenwald, sticking to his ambulance-chasing attorney pattern of behavior, always threatens those who question or expose him with lawsuits. Here is another consistent response from Greenwald:

As for Russell Tice being censored by Mr. Greenwald? I was told by Mr. Tice that all his attempts to communicate with Greenwald were via e-mail. I believe he would be more than happy to go on record and establish that with 100% certainty.
And finally, please don’t forget, we invited Glenn Greenwald repeatedly to participate in our Roundtable Discussion and have equal airtime to counter facts and points presented during the show. He did not accept our invitation.