Betraying Turkey:Germany & US Leaving Incirlik/ Pulling Out Personnel/Scouting Alternative Locales

As the betrayal of Turkey progresses....NATO allies? Not so much.

RescueNovember 27, 2016 at 10:53 PMPenny, you should write a post about Germany removing their military from Incirlik. They are trying to gain access to Jordanian bases instead. Turkey refuses Germany a permanent presence at the base, because of their support for the PKK. I think its an important story, not reported and talked about enough.


  1. PennyNovember 28, 2016 at 5:57 AMI've seen some of the news about Germany and IncirlikIf Germany is heading for Jordan it tells us much about the next target for destabilization- Saudi Arabia.  

All the latestIt appears Germany is looking to make alternative NATO arrangements. Just like their US counterparts. Oh are you one of those that believes, despite all the publicly available information, that the US and Turkey are on the same page? If so the information below will cause you a bit more cognitive dissonance.  Before you turn your nose up to the information contained within this posting, consider the reality, the fact, that one can glean information & dot connect from open public sources of information as was clearly stated by  Allen Dulles many years ago.

"More than 80 percent of intelligence is obtained from open sources." Allen W. Dulles

 Allen Dulles stated more then 80 percent of intelligence is openly sourced. That is through information that is publicly available, gathered, put through a rational thought process in order to connect dots cohesively. Certainly Allen Dulles was speaking from experience. Germany explores alternatives to Turkey's Incirlik air baseDW

As relations between Ankara and Berlin deteriorated, Germany began looking for alternatives to the Incirlik Air Base in southern Turkey in at least three other Middle Eastern countries.The Kurdistan Region, whose Erbil airport acts as a key logistical support base for the US-led Coalition forces in the fight against the Islamic State (IS), was not among the options for Germans.Incirlik base was one of the theaters the putschists operated from, flying aerial refueling jets for warplanes that bombed critical targets at the Turkish capital of Ankara, including the Parliament and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s palace.

Turkish authorities subsequently cut all power lines to Incirlik and imposed a ban on Coalition flights there. The Base’s Turkish Commander General Bekir Ercan Van was arrested and jailed two days later.

Last month, an American national security site, Defense One, said the US should get ready to walk away from Incirlik

UPDATED WITH LINK  and excerpt from Defense One article:  Closing paragraph from: Get Ready to Walk Away from Incirlik

" Ideally, seeking out alternatives to Incirlik will minimize the possibility that Washington is ever forced to exercise them.  If Washington has options, Turkey will face the possibility that threatening to throw American forces out could backfire, leaving the country even more strategically isolated. In short, a little foresight and planning could turn Incirlik from a source of Turkish leverage over America to a source of American leverage over Turkey"

Incirlik: Leverage

"It is too early to say whether it will become necessary to withdraw our forces from Incirlik," the spokesman told "Bild." Any relocation, however, would likely take "several weeks," in which time the Tornado reconnaissance jets would be out of action.

The German air force planes aren’t currently flying combat missions.

The German planes aren’t currently flying combat missions- that should make it easier to leave once new digs are found.I’ve discussed the US prepping to walk away from Turkey and Incirlik on multiple occasionsSeptember 10/2016 Should US Pull Personnel out of Turkey After Coup Attempt ? - Betraying Turkey

"  WASHINGTON- A powerful California lawmaker wants Congress to consider moving U.S. personnel and military equipment out of Turkey into other Middle Eastern countries in the wake of an attempted coup in Turkey in July"

Previous mentions regarding US Personnel being moved.. March 29/2016: Military families out of TurkeySeptember 03/2015: Pentagon Offers Evacuation to 900 US Military Dependents in Turkey

Finding alternative basing options for U.S. personnel and military assets is necessary given that the relationship between the United States and Turkey has become increasingly strained, Schanzer said.

“Whether it’s flirting with the Russians, whether it’s flirting with the Iranians, challenging American foreign policy, you know, making it difficult for Incirlik to operate, shutting down counter-ISIS operations over that short period of time – these are the sort of things that should be viewed as a red flag,” he said. “Not necessarily a defining moment where we need to move now, but again, a red flag, and one that should be an indication to military planners that contingency plans should be made.”

Making Germany's actions part of a coordinated planGermany & the PKK: Austria and prepping the narrative for EMBARGO/SANCTIONs

"A Hamburg court made reference to the PKK's so-called fight against Daesh since 2013 and praised the "political struggle" of the PKK terrorists in a scandalous statement.Since the terrorist organization became a perfect tool for the German government regarding its regional chessboard, some unbelievable decisions have been taken by the German administration.While Germany acts as a locomotive in its actions against Turkey, other leading members of the 28-nation union play the role of "concerned friends for the ‘bien-etre' of their ally."However, they delegate some smaller members to put mines and barriers in front of Turkey, concerning its relationship with the union.The decision by the Austrian parliament to ban weapons sales to Turkey can be evaluated within this framework. Since Austria is not a reference country for weapons sales, it is just trying the make the public become accustomed to the use of the word "embargo" in the same sentence as "Turkey."A recent report by the European Parliament proposing the end of accession talks between the EU and Turkey is just a recent link in the chain of this "carrots and sticks" policy.It is clear that the EU leaders' summit to convene in mid-December will not end with the decision to halt accession talks with Turkey.The success of the Turkish people to overcome the coup attempt on July 15 and the strong attachment of the Turkish people to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the main matter of concern for the EU. To be frank, the EU is frustrated with the failure of the coup attempt. That is why there has been an unbelievable level of support given to everybody who is against Turkey"

I've stated for two years now the US led NATO is betraying Turkey- That fact seems more and more apparent as time goes on.From Earlier:

Jay Dyer: Esoteric Hollywood: How to Destroy the Entertainment-Industrial Complex