Beta male Macron says Trump, Putin and Erdogan all see power the same way

The newly elected French President Emmanuel Macron is the neo-liberal, globalist flavor of the month.
Emboldened by his globalist backers and their billions of euros invested into him so he can complete what Hollande started, the destruction of France, wonder-boy Macron is lumping together three very different world leaders into one “bully” category.
The one thing that the three leaders perhaps do have in common is that they could easily chew up and spit out the French President with relative ease.
The Independent UK reports that Emmanuel Macron has compared Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, saying they all see international relationships as a balance of power.
When commenting on photos taken from a tense handshake between himself and POTUS Trump at the Nato summit in Brussels last week, Macron told French newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche…

“Donald Trump, the Turkish president or the Russian president see relationships in terms of a balance of power.”
“That doesn’t bother me. I don’t believe in diplomacy by public abuse, but in my bilateral dialogues I won’t let anything pass.”

Macron noted that leader must show that they will not “make small concessions, even symbolic ones” or over publicize their achievements.
While Trump, Putin and Erdogan, “see international relationships as a balance of power,” it is safe to say that the likes of Macron, Obama and Merkel see international relationships as a balance between American exceptionalism and globalist kick backs.
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