Back To My Roots: Exposing The Fraud NASA Apollo Moon Landings - Report Claims Chinese Probes On The Moon Have Found NO Evidence Of NASA's Alleged Moon Landings... Updated!

Everyone that has been reading this blog for years knows that I began my trip "down the rabbit hole" to understanding how we are all born into enslavement and there is indeed a group of scoundrels determined to control our planet, through my exposure to the truth about NASA's space missions and especially the fraud of the Apollo moon landings, back in 1979... Now some 37 years after understanding how NASA has indeed faked, and continues to fake, most of its space missions, I still marvel and chuckle at those who firmly believe them to all be real!  It is mind manipulation at its worse....I periodically find some new material that again proves that NASA is indeed nothing more than a criminal group of liars and thieves, and only in the business of making money while selling complete and utter bullshit to the American public and the entire world.. And someone sent me a link to an article last month that I definitely want to share with all of my own readers here.... It also appears that another truth seeker, Vatic, who writes "The Vatic Project" at, found the same article recently and published her own findings and thoughts at her blog.. I therefore decided that I would give my own 2 cents worth and share it here with my own readers.. It comes from the "Before It's News" website, at, and is entitled: "Hmmm....Wonder Why The American Media Didn't Report On This One? Chinese Lunar Rover Finds NO Evidence Of American Moon Landings".... I have the link to that report right here for everyone to see for themselves, and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  WHY am I not surprised by this report and the Chinese findings?  * Update: The Chinese probe on the moon and its orbiter are no where near the alleged Apollo landing sites.. That information has been confirmed by yours truly, and though this report seems credible from Before It Is News, it appears that it is not accurate.... But it does not take away from the facts that NO probe that has orbited the moon has been able to accurately prove the Apollo sites as being accurate simply because the Apollo "landing sites" are not there!The facts are simple... There never were any manned moon orbitings or landings back in 1968-1972, and they still are impossible today even with the improved technology over the last 44 years simply because it cannot be done....People with long memories do remember back in 1961 after Alan Shepard made his suborbital flight in a Mercury space capsule, then President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, committed the American nation to "landing a man on the moon and safely returning him to Earth by the end of the decade"... Kennedy was a politician and not a scientist, and threw the American scientific community a demand and a massive undertaking that with the technology of the day was simply impossible....Scientists knew since 1958 that this planet due to its large magnetosphere has massive belts of high energy and high temperature plasma that surround it.... These belts, called the "Van Allen Radiation belts" are barriers to interstellar flight by most living organisms due to their high radiation, and to transverse these barriers would require massive shielding requirements and therefore rockets of such size and weight that were not feasible with the technology of the 1960's..... By 1964 these scientists knew that it would be impossible to fulfill Kennedy's dream and informed President Lyndon Baines Johnson of that impossibility...The problem in 1964 was that the military industrial complex and corporations such as Grumman Aerospace, North American Aviation, and Boeing Aerospace, had already been awarded massive billion dollar contracts for the planned Apollo missions, and Johnson decided to turn to the people over at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to come up with a plan and alternatives... That was when the Apollo SIMULATION Project was born, and the decision was to "fake it" to the moon....Billions of dollars were basically spent on the fraud Apollo missions, and many props and stage settings were created and set up for the big show.... And the American people swallowed the bullshit hook line and sinker....  It is still remarkable today that the majority of American fools actually still believe the moon landings to be real!Yes, I am not surprised at all that the Chinese have found no evidence of America's "greatest achievement" due to the fact that it was always a fraud...  And I am equally not surprised that the Russians have not blown the whistle (yet) on the entire scam due to the fact that many of Russia's own space exploits were just as fraudulent as America's .... It became a game of the Russians not squealing on the Americans as long as the Americans did not squeal on the Russians....."Cold War" politics at its best....Well, there you have it... More evidence that Americans were indeed duped when it comes to NASA and their fake Apollo moon missions.... Hopefully the day will come soon when the general public finally wakes up and demands NASA finally come clean... I doubt that will happen any time soon....And one other note... I am still under attack by clowns from the "flat earth" bullshit crowd... To me, the timing of the sudden rise of this "flat earth" bullcrap crowd makes sense if you consider how the US government has entire departments working on the Internet to try to manipulate the alternative media and the so called "truth movement"... The "flat earthers" are part of the game to simply "poison the well"... Do not be fooled by these clowns!More to comeNTS