Audio: Deployment Of U.S. Bombers To Europe Alarming

Press TV
June 14, 2014
Deployment of US bombers to Europe ‘alarming’: Analyst
A political analyst says it’s an “alarming” development that the US has deployed two of its nuclear-capable bombers into Europe near Russia’s borders.
The deployment of two B-2 stealth bombers into Europe for training could be very “dangerous,” said Rick Rozoff from Stop NATO International Network on Saturday.
The deployment comes at a time of conflict in Ukraine. US fighter jets have previously been deployed to Europe on similar training missions to show support for NATO allies.
With the military escalation between Eastern Europe and US allies, Rozoff warned, “the situation may be developing. This could rapidly get out of hand. We could see something catastrophic.”
“We could see, in fact, the use of nuclear weapons. And that’s the worst case scenario but that’s one that has to be considered,” he added.
The US Air Force said the mission for the pair of stealth bombers is to conduct flights in Europe and to become familiar with air bases and operations in the area.
“This deployment of strategic bombers provides an invaluable opportunity to strengthen and improve interoperability with our allies and partners,” said Adm. Cecil Haney, commander of US Strategic Command.
“The training and integration of strategic forces demonstrates to our nation’s leaders and our allies that we have the right mix of aircraft and expertise to respond to a variety of potential threats and situations,” Haney said.
The B-2s are assigned to the 509th Bomb Wing at Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri.
