Ask Your Rep: Put the Brakes on Yemen War

Urge your Rep to sign the bipartisan Pocan-Amash-Lieu-Jones Letter to Urge President Trump to seek authorization from Congress before escalating the war in Yemen.

Sample Call Script:
Call 1-855-68-NO-WAR (1-855-686-6927) to connect with the Capitol Switchboard, and ask for your Rep. (here is a list of Reps as well as their direct phone numbers). When you are connected to your representative’s office, you can use the following script:

Hi my name is [NAME] and I’m a constituent of yours living in [CITY], [STATE].
I’m calling to ask the Representative to sign on to the Pocan-Amash-Lieu-Jones letter, urging President Trump to seek authorization from Congress before escalating the war in Yemen.
The deadline is April 4th. Can I count on the Representative to sign on?
Thanks for taking my call.

The congressional, bipartisan letter to President Trump states “engaging our military against Yemen’s Houthis when no direct threat to the United States exists and without prior congressional authorization would violate the separation of powers clearly delineated in the Constitution. For this reason, we write to request that the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) provide, without delay, any legal justification that it would cite if the administration intends to engage in direct hostilities against Yemen’s Houthis without seeking congressional authorization.”
For crucial background reading on the latest in the role of the United States in Yemen, see:

Kate Gould serves as the Legislative Representative for Middle East Policy of the Friends Committee on Legislation (FCNL). Kate directs FCNL’s lobbying on Middle East policy, and is one of only a handful of registered lobbyists in Washington, D.C. working to support diplomatic solutions to disputes between the U.S. and Iran and the conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Israel/Palestine.
