Aside From Steve Israel, Where Does Empty Suit Pete Aguilar Get His Campaign Money?

In 2012 Steve Israel's empty suit candidate lost to TWO Republicans in a D+5 district!Redlands’s unelected Mayor, City Councilman Pete Aguilar, has never actually ever done anything well. In fact, most people regarded him as an unaffiliated conservative or a Republican until Steve Israel encouraged him to run for a nice blue congressional seat as a Democrat.Under Aguilar's leadership, once thriving small businesses in Redlands have been killed by the Wal Mart Aguilar’s administration attracted and now much of the city’s north side is in Detroit-like poverty. 34 year old Pete, simply put, is a failed politician who has never held a job other than at the expense of taxpayers. He's been on the Redlands City Council since 2006 and works part-time as a banking lobbyist.It also seems as though he doesn’t even crack jokes too well. As you see below, he felt it would be funny to dress up as a 19th century settler-- on his facebook page-- but instead looks like a pedofile. I guess the Redlands city council doesn’t have much going on if he can do this while in his office (probably on the phone with a Wal-Mart manager, life-coach or the Spanish language tutor the DCCC found him in case he's forced into having to participate in a Spanish language debate).Steve Israel wants this loser to go to Congress and represent a district (CA-31) that is one of the most economically distressed districts in California. And how does Israel think he will get him there? FAR RIGHT REPUBLICAN MONEY! And that’s no joke!Just take a look at half a dozen of Pete’s max out donors ($5,200) as evidence of Aguilar’s far right strategy to make it to Capitol Hill:

Max Out Donor 1: Jack DangermondIn addition to maxing out to loser Pete Aguilar, billionaire Jack bundled $45,000 for the NRCC and was one of the state's biggest donors to Ken Calvert and to former Redlands congressman Jerry Lewis. Now isn’t that ironic; he seems attracted too the confluence of conservatism and corruption.Max Out Donor 2: Stephen MatichIn addition to maxing out to loser Pete Aguilar, Stephen donated thousands and thousands of dollars to California right-wing Republicans Kevin McCarthy, Paul Cook and Ken Calvert. His family has also contributed thousands more to Aguilar-- as well as to half conservative Republicans all over southern California-- not to mention Bush, McCain and Romney.Max Out Donor 3: John MirauIn addition to maxing out to empty suit Pete Aguilar, John donated thousands to Republican conservatives Jerry Lewis and Paul Cook.Max Out Donor 4: Barbara MorrisIn addition to maxing out to loser Pete Aguilar, Barbara donated $5000 to Georgia Tea Party extremist Tom Price and $5,000 to the Republican National Committee. I hope she got a good seat at their convention!Max Out Donor 5: Barry JoLetteIn addition to maxing out to loser Pete Aguilar, Barry donated thousands to GOP Establishment hacks John Campbell, Kevin McCarthy and Ed Royce.Max Out Donor 6: Carol BakerIn addition to maxing out to loser Pete Aguilar, Carol donated thousands to the RNC the NRCC, the NRSC, as well as to John Boehner, Jerry Lewis, Mitt Romney, and $900 to the Exxon Mobil PAC. So I guess we know who Pete wants to protect in Congress…

So let’s see, un-elected mayor Pete Aguilar has taken max out donations-- just this cycle (more last time when he raised Republican money and lost)-- from billionaire bankers and oil executives whose total donations (so far in the 2014 cycle) in already in the tens of thousands of dollars.That is disgusting and pathetic, and yet again shows how Steve Israel is an incompetent moron, and Pete Aguilar is a perfect recruit for him. This duo really is good at bad jokes.However, this race is not a joke. It is the top seat ready to flip to a Democrat and a strong progressive (small business owner) Eloise Reyes is giving Republican Funded Loser non-elected Mayor Pete Aguilar a run for his money. Already, she is raising significant funds, from PROGRESSIVES and community members, while young, desperate Pete needs to keep going to gun loving, gay hating, Republicans for help...Let's pitch in to match the thousands Aguilar is getting from corrupt elites by donating $20 to Eloise here at the Blue America ActBlue page.If we do this, we embarrass this want-to be comic, unelected mayor, Pete Aguilar worse than he already is publicly embarrassing himself.Maybe Redlands can have a Pete Aguilar comedy club after he loses. Steve Israel can be their opening act!Let’s get Eloise the money she needs to get on the way towards helping save the ordinary working families of the Inland Empire.