This arrived Saturday September 5 from the University of Wisconsin. It proves that there are self-hating whites especially among the educated ones.
I live in Madison Wisconsin and work at the University. While working at home I came across an email sent out by our library director addressed to all library employees. It was to inform us that “racist” graffiti had been spray painted on the mall outside of the library and that the director “was sorry that people had to see this while on their way to work.” So I went on line to see what this racist graffiti was. I looked for things like “All niggers should die” or something similar, but all I could see was “White lives matter.” This was the racist graffiti that the director thought was so traumatizing. Oh how horrible that people had to see graffiti that implied that white people had a right to exist.
When I went on-site that afternoon, I looked around on the mall to see if there was any other graffiti. There wasn’t. It was just WLM or “White Lives Matter.” The news said that they will check surveillance footage to catch the perp who did this terrible deed and throw the book at him.
So, for the past 3 months BLM has been able to break windows, loot stores, and spray paint their messages all over our downtown areas and campus and the director has told us that all of this is justified. One frustrated individual comes out and spray paints “White Lives Matter,” and it is called racist graffiti and people claim to be traumatized by it. Since the director doesn’t believe that her white life matters, maybe she would be overjoyed to experience the tender ministrations of a BLM thug someday.
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