Arrest John McCain and Lindsey Graham for providing material support to terrorists

According to John McCain and Lindsey Graham, when Syrian Jihadists fight the Assad regime, they need our support; however, if they cross the border into Iraq, they are terrorists that may actually launch another 9/11-style attack on the U.S.

by Mario Andrade
Yesterday, the FBI arrested two more dupes in Texas for trying to join Islamist rebel groups in Syria and Somalia ,and telling an informer about it. They were stopped at the airport and were charged with ‘providing material support to terrorists,’ which was probably a crime they hadn’t actually committed yet – as it is the case with most of these FBI entrapment scenarios.
By the same standards, one could say that Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham have engaged in similar criminal activity. As members of the Senate Armed Services Committee, they have repeatedly called for arming the so-called ‘Syrian rebels,’ who are now in Iraq, taking over the northwestern cities and ready to take over Baghdad.
In fact, Senator McCain has actually gone a step further than the two dupes that were arrested at the airport by the FBI yesterday -as they were ready to take their flight to join with Jihadists. McCain has actually taken the flight to the Middle East and joined the Islamist rebels in Syria. In a Jane Fonda-like moment, he shook hands and hugged with the extremists, posing for the camera and taking a few photos with the so-called ‘rebels.’
These Syrian ‘rebels’ were the same insurgents that were crossing the border into Iraq and killing U.S. troops during Operation Iraqi Freedom. And they are now the same extremists crossing the border into Iraq today, calling themselves the ISIS fighters. This group of fighters is allegedly a former faction of Al-Qaeda; some say they still are part of Al-Qaeda. ISIS stands for the ‘Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.’ One can only wonder how this group of generally non-English speaking and illiterate fighters came up with such catchy English acronym… ‘ISIS.’
There needs to be a serious investigation about how much funding and training these Syrian ‘rebels’ (now called ISIS insurgents) have been receiving from the U.S. Government, with Senators McCain and Graham cheerleading these efforts. It is especially important to get to the truth since the proverbial chickens have come home to roost, and these ‘insurgents’ are allegedly getting ready to overthrow Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s government, according to McCain himself.
Yes, McCain is the biggest and most outspoken critic of how Barry Obama let the insurgents back into Iraq. Never mind he shook hands with the terrorists and posed in front of the cameras with them.
Also, there needs to be a serious investigation into Benghazi (deeper than just Hillary Clinton’s role) to find out if the Obama administration was shipping weapons, personnel, or money from Libya to the so-called Syrian rebels. And to determine if those operations had anything to do with the murder of Ambassador Stevens and his security detail. Was this another blowback scenario? Was it an inside job?
Heads need to roll. Impeachment proceedings against Barack Obama, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Hillary Clinton, and her successor John Kerry need to be put in place. Criminal charges need to be filed. And prison sentences need to be served by the guilty parties involved in this outrageous act of treason.
In another Bizarro World moment, Senator Lindsey Graham -acting like the ISIS invasion of Iraq is a total surprise to him- is calling on the Obama administration to take action against these ‘insurgents’ or ‘they will carry out another 9/11.’ Wow! Talk about extreme opposites! Just last year, Graham was the biggest supporter of these insurgents (previously called Syrian rebels).
Someone needs to arrest these two clowns. The more they speak publicly about this problem, the more they incriminate themselves. Hey senator, should we still send money and weapons to the Syrian rebels?

