Arizona Judge Releases Body Cam Footage from Daniel Shaver Shooting Death

An Arizona judge finally released body cam footage from the shooting death of Daniel Shaver, which led to murder charges against Mesa police officer Philip “Mitch” Brailsford.
However, the videos are edited, removing the actual shooting of the unarmed man who died begging for his life.
But we already know Brailsford shot and killed Shaver after he was ordered to crawl towards police on his hands and knees.
And we already know that Brailsford was the only officer out of six that felt compelled to shoot.
Philip “Mitch” Brailsford the way he looked the night he shot and killed Daniel Shaver.
Brailsford later told investigators that it was a “terrifying” experience for him as he watched the unarmed man crawling towards him  – essentially saying he was in fear for his life.
But it was Shaver who was in fear for his life.
“Please don’t shoot me,” Shaver said according to a witness, who was also ordered to crawl towards police.
But Mesa Police Sergeant Charles Langley never gave him that assurance.
“There is a very severe possibility that if you make another mistake you are going to get shot,” Langley said according to prosecutor Susie Charbel as she read the transcript of the body cam footage in court.
Shaver then tried to ask a question.
“Shut up. I’m not here to be tactful and diplomatic with you. You listen, you obey.”
The incident took place on January 18, 2016 inside a fifth-floor hotel room where Shaver was showing his pellet guns to two acquaintances.

People downstairs saw a man through the window appearing to be pointing a gun from inside and called the front desk, who in turn, called police.
After police ordered them out the room, they issued several commands to Shaver, telling him to show his hands, then place his hands on his head, then come crawling towards them.
As he was crawling towards them, his shorts kept slipping off, so he reached back to pull them back up, only to be threatened with death by one officer, which was when Shaver begged them not to shoot him.
However, his shorts slipped off again, prompting him to pull them up again, which was when Bailsford fired five times, killing the 26-year-old man instantly.
Two videos were released, the first one showing officers arriving to the hotel, the second one showing officers standing in the fifth-floor hallway, ordering Shaver and his acquaintance to step outside.
“Listen to my instructions or it’s going to be very uncomfortable for you,” one cop yells.
The video then cuts to a clip showing the woman asking the officers if Shaver is dead, telling them she is very scared.
“It is unfortunate that the Mesa PD coverup continues,” said Shaver’s widow, Laney Sweet, in an email to Photography is Not a Crime.
“My husband was brutally murdered while he begged for his life. Redacting the evidence won’t change the facts.”
Close up of Daniel Shaver after being killed by Mesa Police while begging for his life, lawfully.
Brailsford has pleaded not guilty to the murder charges.
His next court date is June 30. Read the transcript of the incident here.


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The post Arizona Judge Releases Body Cam Footage from Daniel Shaver Shooting Death appeared first on PINAC News.
