Celebrates 5th Year Accepting Digital Currency: Your Cryptocurrency Donations Will Be Matched!

You read that correctly. was a very early adopter of stateless and decentralized currency opening their platform to Bitcoin on November 28th, 2012. Five years later, they are continuing enthusiastically to use digital currencies by expanding their donation platform to now include BitcoinCash, DASH, and ZCash. It is really gratifying to see the nonaggression principle come together with non-state based currency to help bring an end to war and inhumanity around the world. I recently did an interview with Crush the Street, a financial podcast to share some of the history behind bitcoin and share more about what a great addition it has been to Antiwar’s fundraising efforts. has announced that all cryptocurrency donations through 2017 will double their impact due to a $20K matching funds pledge from So if your crypto holdings saw a pleasant value increase, please consider paying some of it forward to an organization that is all about ending State aggression and the military industrial complex. Do it now so your donation is doubled!
