Anguished Verses

Today, the voices were calmed again
And sticks trampled
Those values, those words of dissent
That profess their agony
Ethos of nationalism and integrity
With which you indoctrinate the masses
Would now be imposed upon free minds?
The minds which soar the skies as a bird’s flight
The minds that question your authority
The lines that digress from your ideologies
Either erase them,
Or cut them off
No matter how, from today!
You may silence the voices of dissension
With sticks and bullets
Still, you cannot douse the flames
The ignited flames of awakened consciences…
The flames that kindle the queries
Queries that lit up the skies with their burning opulence
Those flames which resurrect
reverberate and redeem
A rebellion
And instill ribaldry in hearts
The prowess of queries burns
Vacuity plunges the spirit of mankind
Of those hearts and minds
Who you wish to silence
By dipping them in bleak ink of sedition
And you brand this oxymoron
As resurgence of Nation?
