America: Pussy-Footing Around Fascism

As tens of thousands of American women marched for the second day against Donald Trump on the anniversary of his inauguration, the US government continued to be shut down over immigration policy. And yet, the real reason for the immigration crisis was merely alluded to in passing by a senior Republican Senator: the presence in the White House of a thirty-one year old white supremacist, the only one of a small group that was put in the White House by the wealthy Mercer family that bank-rolled the latter part of the Trump campaign,.
When, desperate to overcome the government shutdown, the prominent Republican Senator Lindsey Graham referred to Stephen Miller by name, the media failed to inform its viewers that he was an acolyte of Steve Bannon. It’s as if Miller just happens to be a Neanderthal when it comes to immigration, when in reality, he has the power to make the President eat his own words a few hours after speaking them. (This is referred to as ‘White House’ or ‘Republican’ handlers correcting the President when he mis-speaks.
And because the press is more right-wing than left (while the right claims it is left) it reports with a straight face what is an enormous charade: President Trump can only trumpet what the people he serves approve: Steve Bannon actually called Trump ‘useful’ a few months ago. When he steps out of line — as he did a few days ago during a televised White House meeting in which he said he would sign any bill put before him that would prevent 800,000 young Latinos brought to the US illegally by their parents from being deported. The next day he was forced to claim he had been misunderstood.
Much attention is devoted to Donald Trump’s coarse ways, which are at odds with the lofty image of the presidency, but very little is paid to the fact that the White House continues to be held hostage to the Alt-Right even after the departure of its most famous exponent, a scruffy-looking middle-aged man with a checkered past. The press failed to point out that after the departure of Sebastien Gorka — the Hungarian-born operator who appeared at a Washington event last year in the uniform of the World War II fascist organization worn by his father — followed eventually by Bannon, Miller is the last ‘known’ Alt-Right operator in the White House.
The press does signal ‘dog whistling’ i.e., the use of racist code words, and even mentions the Ku Klux Klan by name, however it studiously avoids any but opaque references to the Alt-Right, whose allies in Europe are winning national elections. Not to mention the Nazi-supported government in the Ukraine to which Trump recently ‘decided’ to deliver weapons for use against anti-Nazi separatists in the east of that country.
While all this is going on, the public’s attention is kept riveted on the investigation into so-called Russian meddling in the 2016 election, with new denunciations of past sexual harassment by Trump ‘proving’ that he cavorted with prostitutes in Moscow, thus becoming vulnerable to Russian blackmail!
Who would have imagined, as Trump was being sworn in, that on the first anniversary of his presidency, Russiagate would be used to deflect voter attention from the fact that the president is a white supremacist puppet? Before he was elected, many observers, including myself, cautioned against what we saw as a fascist persona. We failed to realize that he was being manipulated by an international movement determined — against all odds — to ensure that the world continues to be run by its Caucasian minority.
Deena Stryker is an international expert, author and journalist that has been at the forefront of international politics for over thirty years, exlusively for the online journal “New Eastern Outlook”.