All The New House Committee Chairs And Ranking Members Have Been Announced

Which committee chair will get Trump's taxes first?I'm eager see the rosters of the House committees. With so many retirements and election losses, the Republican changes will be monumental. So far they have announced some very key chairmanship changes-- well, ranking members is what they'll have now, not chairs. They even gave a committee chair to a woman!• Administration- Rodney Davis (R-IL), likely to be defeated for reelection in 2020, was appointed by McCarthy to be ranking member after Gregg Harper (MS) decided to retire. The chair will be Zoe Lofgren D-CA) since ranking member Bob Brady (D-PA) retired.• Agriculture- Corrupt, reactionary Blue Dog Collin Peterson (D-MN) will be chair again and no doubt the special interests are dancing in the streets. Peterson has taken $4,316,348 from Agribusiness, more money than anyone in the history of the committee. In fact the only members of Congress who have taken more were both senators and presidential candidates-- Obama ($4,955,005) and McCain ($4,509,857). Pelosi should be ashamed.• Appropriations- Kay Granger (TX) replaces Rodney Frelinghuysen (NJ) as the GOP top dog. The new chair will be Nita Lowey (D-NY) who has taken an astounding $5,244,643 from the Finance Sector. Granger has gobbled up "a mere" $2,214,433.• Armed Services- New Dem Adam Smith (D-WA) goes from ranking member to chair and Mac Thornberry (R-TX) does the reverse. Smith has taken $1,156,750 from the Defense Sector and Thornberry has taken $1,569,650, the most of anyone currently serving in the House.• Budget- John Yarmuth (D-KY) and Steve Womack (R-AR) now switch chair/ranking member positions.• Education and Labor- Bobby Scott (D-VA) and Virginia Foxx also switch positions as chair and ranking member.• Energy and Commerce- A honey pot committee whose top members take bribes from almost every sector of the economy. It will be led by corrupt hack politician Frank Pallone (D-NJ), while former chair Greg Walden (R-OR) moves to ranking member.• Ethics Committee- McCarthy appointed Kenny Marchant (R-TX) as ranking member and former ranking member Ted Deutch (D-FL) becomes chairman.• Financial Servies- Patrick McHenry (R-NC)-- as I predicted a few days ago (based not on seniority but corruption)-- will take over the GOP top post from Jeb Hensarling (TX), who is retiring. The new committee chair will be Trumpanzee's favorite Democrat, Maxine Waters, who absolutely has a higher IQ than he does. McHenry, a virtual bribe magnet, has taken $5,586,542 from the Finance Sector. Waters has taken a relatively modest $1,839,435.• Foreign Affairs- Michael McCaul (R-TX) moves from Homeland Security to ranking member here, replacing Ed Royce who retired rather than be defeated in a blue wave that swept Orange County clean of Republicans. The new chair will be Benjamin Netanyahu Eliot Engel (D-NY).• Homeland Security- Mike Rogers (R-AL), a wall fanatic, replaces Michael McCaul who is also a wall fanatic. The chair will be Bennie Thompson (D-MS).• Intelligence- Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Devin Nunes (R-CA) switch positions, which Schiff now Chair and Nunes now ranking member.• Judiciary- Doug Collins (GA... who????) takes over from the swinish Bob Goodlatte as top Republican in the committee that will be investigating whether or not to impeach Trump. And the new chair will be Jerry Nadler (D-NY).• Natural Resources- Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) was ranking member and will now be chairman and Rob Bishop (R-UT) steps down from the chair to ranking member.• Oversight- Neo-fascist Jim Jordan (OH) takes over from Trey Gowdy, who has had enough of Congress and is retiring. The chair will be Elijah Cummings (MD), who will be able to easily keep the ole wrestling coach within bounds.• Rules- Jim McGovern (D-MA) goes from ranking member to chair and, with Pete Sessions having lost his reelection bid, the new ranking member will be Tom Cole (R-OK), who has been serving as vice chair.• Science- Chair will be Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX), who has been serving as ranking member and Frank Lucas (OK) takes over from Lamar Smith (TX), who is retiring.• Small Business- Nydia Velázquez (D-NY) and Steve Chabot (R-OH), switch position.• Transportation And Infrastructure- Chair will be Pete DeFazio (D-OR) and Sam Graves (MO) takes the GOP top position from Bill Shuster (PA) who is retiring.• Veterans Affairs- Mark Takano (D-CA) fought like a dog for the ranking member position but lost it to Tim Walz (D-MN). Now... now that Walz is moving out of the House to become governor of Minnesota, Takano is the new chair. Former chair Phil Roe (R-TN) is the new ranking member.• Ways and Means- Richard Neal (D-MA) was ranking member and is now chair. Former chair Kevin Brady was chair and is now ranking member. Neal and Brady seem to think it's just hunky-dory taking money from the banksters while writing legislation about them. Neal has taken $5,504,510 from the Finance Sector and Brady has squeezed $4,182,735 out of them.As for the bogus version of the new Select Committee on the Climate Crisis (9 Dems and 6 Republicans), it's part of the rules package that includes PAY-GO, fitting enough as another example of how the Democrats are the lesser evil-- and nothing more. The committee with be headed by Kathy Castor (D-FL) and the Republicans haven't named a ranking member yet. Why should they? The committee doesn't have the power to subpoena anyone, can't even vote on legislation and send it to the House floor for a vote like real committees do and does virtually nothing supporters of the Green New Deal were asking for-- like keeping Oil and Gas whores off the committee, for example. Corbin Trent, a spokesman for Alexandria Ocasio's office said that the way the committee is structured "sounds about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. As it’s portrayed it’s going to be completely incapable of solving the greatest threat to human kind."