Alex Ansary Interview, Alt Media Series, Trans Resister Radio

The Alt Media series continues on Trans Resister Radio with this interview of Alex Ansary. Alex is an alternative media producer best known for his Portland cable access TV show Outside The Box. Over the past few years Alex has been wandering the countryside, testing out off-the-grid lifestyles, and chronicling his many adventures with videos that he posts to youtube. In this interview he gives his opinions on alternative media, and shares some of his hopes for the future.
Topics include: alex's start in alt media, Outside The Box, cable access tv, be the media, truth movement, collectivist terms, group think, Hundredth Monkey Syndrome, truth, truthers, Green Day fans, 9/11, lies, wars, mainstream media demonizes truthers, 1990s truth movement, Y2K, internet, discernment, poor journalism, Russia, homeless media presenter, monetization, Google analytics, videos made to get views, sensationalism, Google Plus, changing interfaces, major websites purposely disintegrating, social media welfare tit, internet searches made public, blackmail, Facebook D-Day, off the grid living, solar panels, underground media studio, rural environment, alternative media networks, news stories to scare people into maintaining norms, strategic relocation, working with others, making videos, micro broadcasting, the starvation will be televised, living through economic collapse, let go of fear, difference between disaster preppers and those who actually live through disaster, true survival skills, solar influence, catastrophobia, World War III, China, shift of ages, family
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