Alan Grayson: GutsPAC

This week, Alan Grayson opened a leadership PAC, GutsPAC. You can contribute to it here, but let me warn you, it cannot accept more than $5,000 per year from any individual. He plans to use it to help elect other progressives to Congress. I asked him a couple of quick questions: Q: What will you be doing with that leadership PAC, donating to Steve Israel so you can rise in the House leadership? A: Well, here are some things I won’t be doing: spending 145 times as much on legal fees as on candidate support, as Rep. Michele Bachmann did in the first half of 2013. Paying my spouse over a quarter of a million dollars for “services rendered,” as the aptly-named Rep. John Doolittle did. Spending over $100,000 on golf outings around the world, as Sen. Saxby Chambliss did. Paying $21,000 in fines for accepting improper contributions, as the staff of a certain someone (whom I actually hold in very high regard) did. I hope to use the funds in my leadership PAC to help to LEAD progressive candidates to victory. Q: Do you have any candidates in mind who you want to help this cycle? What about your congressional colleagues who never learned how too raise campaign cash. Can Guts PAC also teach them how to do that-- and how to present themselves so that voters and donors know what they stand for? A: The current Members whom I think need and deserve the most support now are Rick Nolan, Carol Shea-Porter and Mike Honda. These Members actually do set an example in showing voters and donors what they stand for. We need to defeat the myth that wishy-washiness makes a candidate “appealing” to independent voters. Guts PAC will demonstrate to candidates that honesty is the best policy.Q: Can you use the money you collect through GUTS PAC to run for Senate or president? A: Wow. I hadn’t thought of that. If you don't have $5,000, I know for sure Congressman Grayson would appreciate $5 or $50 or whatever you can afford to contribute. Again, here's the place you'll find GutsPAC.