Al Sharpton finally Speaks Out Against the “Knockout Game”

Seems that other “minorities” are getting attacked…. Sharpton specifically mentions that “Jews” have been attacked.  Since this is the first time the Rev Al has spoken out on all of this (which has been going on for years) should we assume that he was forced to by some powerful media, banking moguls? (I think you get where we are going here….)

“It is despicable and we would not be silent if it were the other way around. We cannot be silent or in any way reluctant to confront it when it is coming from our own community.”
- Al Sharpton speaking about the Knockout Game
I’m not the guy to get up and praise Al Sharpton. The vast majority of the man’s words have caused destruction, pain and strife. Most of his life he has been a bane on society and has wrought discord and evil wherever he’s gone. However, he recently spoke out against the Knockout Game, and for that we should be grateful. He also spoke plainly about how it was people from “his” community choosing Jewish victims in racially motivated attacks – which may be the first time Al Sharpton has ever admitted that every community, even the inner city black community, has racial problems it needs to deal with.
“This kind of behavior is deplorable and must be condemned by all us,” he said at his weekly National Action Network meeting in Harlem. “We would not be silent if it was the other way around. We cannot be silent or in any way reluctant to confront it when it is coming from our own community.”

“Kids are randomly knocking out people [from] another race — some specifically going at Jewish people,” he said. “This kind of insane thuggery — there is nothing cute about that. There is no game play about knocking somebody out, and it is not a game. It is an assault and is bias, and it is wrong.”
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